
  • I came across a good comparative prospective for this Year's Planned Budget of 3.5 Trillion Dollars. If One Dollar equaled One Gallon of Red Ink, the Budget would Fill 12,500 Empire State Buildings! The Citizens are supposed to be the Sovereign Masters and the Governments the Servants! It is time to make it a Reality!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

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    • Yeah, but the cat is out of the bag and can't be forced back in. 

      Payment will come due for this.

      Cat O Nine Tails Whip | Joyce Jones | Erotic Bondage - YUMMY

  • Also C.C,.P. style surveillance and.we're ALREADY in the process. No more FREE SPEECH for dissenters.

    Remember when DemocRATS screamed Dissent was the highest form of patriotism?............Frigging lying Communist pricks!

  • The greatest threat to America comes from the ‘New World Order’; a cabal comprised of some of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people. These psychopaths are under the mistaken impression that their accumulated wealth entitles them to control every aspect of life on Earth. They have acquired tremendous power in the last century and are now at the point where total control is within their grasp. They want it so… bad they can taste it.

    They control almost all the governments worldwide, including America.

    They control both mainstream media and social media.

    They control all the big tech corporations, especially Big Pharma.

    They control the latest twenty-first century versions of bio and electronic weapons.

    They will gain total and absolute control if they can implement ‘The Great Reset’.

    If we, as Americans, allow this to happen the entire planet will belong to a handful of elitists.

    We are told, “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. Put me down as more than a little skeptical.

    They will own your property, your house, your car, and even the clothes on your back. They will own the world’s food and water supply. Any financial transactions will be made using digital currency that will be under total supervision by” The Government’. Cash will no longer be used as a viable currency.

    Sound Good So Far?

    In their all-out offensive against America in 2019, the NWO released their weapon of mass destruction. We commonly refer to it as covid-19. Thus far they’ve used it to steal the election of 2020, to destroy thousands of small businesses, to bypass the Constitution, and to create fear, paranoia, and distrust among a large portion of our citizens.

    If this government tells you “Its for your own good”, IT MOST DEFINITELY IS NOT.

    A good first start to resisting their takeover is to nullify their corona virus weapon.

    Any and ALL limitations to our freedom using the covid ploy MUST NOT BE TOLERATED.

    That includes: lockdowns, masks, school closures, restrictions on alternative treatments, and of course all attempts at MANDATORY or FORCED VACCINATION.


    • "Put me down as more than a little skeptical."

      I'll put you down as a lot more than skeptical, 

      And boy do I really feel I'm qualified to do so!



      NWOs are not housebroken.

      6 Common Myths About Dog Poo | FitBark

      (But it is a work in progress)

  • Home, Neighborhood, City, State and Nation, it always comes down to the Individual Citizen's Responsibility to Keep the Nation and its Constitution intact. This means all forms of "Anti-American Evils."

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • This is sound and valid. If an individual fundamentally does not take personal engagement in his Nations well-being, who will?

  • As long as the Constitution of the Unted States exists citizens of the United States will not have to live under the sort of tyrannical rule that Chinese citizens live under.  The Constitution of the United States will exist forever, and woe unto those who would attempt to destroy this Constitutional Republic.  

    • Unfortunately there are many of those elected who are moving away from the constitution.

      For decades many judges rule by international law, setting precedence not based on our constitution. 
      They have been getting away with it because people don't pay attention to elections of judges....while their position is most important because one day we might be judged by them! Our constitution only stands as long as we have people who insist on basing everything on constitutional law, not even all those on the Supreme Court are on the side of the constitution.

  •  The petition page (no money solicitation):

    Stop Vax Passports – Stop Vaccine Passports

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