Is anyone else too old to start living on his knees? See, submission is not in the cards. The question is whether preserving our freedom means dissolving the Union. And though our alleged betters tell us we are not allowed to think about that horrible prospect, it’s the ruling caste itself that raised the question.
When you get a vile clown like Chuck Schumer promising to “change America” if he steals another Georgia election in the coming run-off, it only reaffirms that we don’t want to “change America” – at least not into the Venezuela-lite he and his coterie of neo-Marxist bother-wedders, fake Indians, and buck-tooth morons want. We’re not living in a dictatorship of the mediocre-tariat, or of anyone else, period. That’s non-negotiable. Nor does any alleged conservative principle of the kind pushed by supine gimps of the Mitt n’ French variety bind us to do so.
And yet there’s a huge chunk of America seemingly determined to suppress, disenfranchise, and even harm us. Save your gaslighting, hacks, I’m on Twitter, and every day I see people threatening us with, on the mild end, “reeducation” to “truth and reconciliation commissions” to outright murder.
I will not be reeducated or reconciled, and if you propose to murder me, I suggest you get your affairs in order.
In a situation like we are in today, with America polarized and the Establishment and its serfs dedicated to an agenda of oppression aimed directly at the patriot faction – oddly, the people who are so eager to rule this country also tend to hate this country – can we even survive as a nation? Should we?
That’s the question I have raised for four years in my conservative action novels, the latest of which, Crisis, just came out last weekend and is already a bestseller. Crisis covers the events leading up to The Split, where to stop the growing violence first initiated by the left, red and blue America negotiate a national divorce and divide the country into red and blue nations. The hero, when he’s not shooting bad guys or mocking liberals – such dully-glowing luminaries as Don Lemon, Eric Swalwell, Mrs. Ilhan Omar’s Brother, and Brian “Tater” Stelter all make cameos as do many conservative icons – must infiltrate blue areas to carry out his missions. Think of California ten years on, with secret police – that is, California ten years on.
read more:
DemocRats Are The Evil Dividers In America
"Is America Doomed to Split Apart?"
Not so long as the will of the people is "NO".
But it could get messy.
Messy it will be because of the split until the usefull idiots discover they are not sustainable.
Submission is death without a fight, aint happening.
DemocRats Are The Evil In America! Trump Is My President! Count All Legal Votes!
The Question of capitulation or civil war is on the table... liberty hangs in the balance and the Patriot stands without leadership or a viable organization to resist the coming calamity. Our GOP leaders have proven to be nothing more than warmed-over milk toast incapable of finding their way home let alone the front... where the battle rages. No, the miscreant politician is about as suited to sacrifice as a Turkey on Thanksgiving day... hopelessly lost on his way to the oven.
What we need are men and women of our colonial father's character and stature... albeit the DNA pool has been so watered down that Generation Z is more akin to the Dodo Bird than Paul Revere or George Washington. America's ship of state is lost in a sea of distress, the tempest seas all around are driving her upon the rocks and there is little time to save her. This election says it all... corrupt to the bone, we all know it was rigged, including the minions in the Marxist Democrat Party... who thinking to find reparations and a pot of gold at the end of the day. rush to embrace a rigged election. Little do they know, what they have sown, they will reap.
When the leftist hordes find out they have created a new plantation... they will soon come to realize those they put into power have no problem fueling the furnaces of the 'great rest' with their hides. Little do they understand they have bartered their lives and put at risk their children's future by shackling them to a new plantation... a new world order. In the end, it will be a few committed souls who will determine our Children's and this Nation's future. Will it be capitulation or civil war, as there is no room for two Elephants in the same room.
I liked it, especially the Thanksgiving turkey metaphor. I'm sure Socialists would be a lot less tasty too (Alex Jones declarations notwithstanding).
Very well said Col.Ron. Well said.
As far as I am concerned, the libtard coasts plus Chicago are a waste of time and effort. They are mostly un-American globalists and should not have the privilege to be part of an awesome country like the USA is. Getting rid of them wouldn't be a loss for anyone. Which real patriot wants to live in a place like tax-and-spend California, socialist Bernie Sanders' Vermont, corrupt New York City or Chicago?
No sir! If that what it takes to preserve our constitution and country. I would rather go my own way. I will not be part of a Marxist revolution. Give me liberty or give me death.