Look around, America and much of the world is in chaos. And it's all since the infamous election of 2020...the election that took strong American leadership out of the world arena, deposited a puppet, and taught Democrats how to win an election...the election that allowed the Left to finish the job of destroying America...four years late.


The planet has been turned upside down ever since, with every rock upturned, releasing every human worm and declared legitimate. Expressing disapproval of homosexuality or trans can lead to legal consequences. But, not to worry you perverts, Minnesota is working on a bill to make pedophiles a protected class. Free speech, if not dead yet, is dying. A blind man can see it. Excuse me, a woman can see it, a trans can see it, a binary can see it, a nonbinary can see it, a genderfluid can see it, even a pangender can see it.

There is no Build Back Better or any building

Depending on the poll, between 70 - 80% of voters now think that the U.S. is spiraling out of control.

No wonder, every time this administration speaks, it's a lie. The president and his cabinet are incapable of leading, or even being moral. Obama's footprints are everywhere:

  • Our Inflation is not transitory. 
  • J6 was not an insurrection. It was massive manipulation to look like insurrection. 
  • The Russians didn't blow up their own pipeline. 
  • The Feds push sex changes, while young children are incapable of determining the consequences of their actions. 
  • The COVID vaccines didn't solve any medical problems, they only made things worse, much worse. 
  • The dead and injured around the world are counted in the millions, and without compensation. 
  • Our borders are virtually non-existent. 
  • Infrastructure? It's falling apart.

Our spending is as drunken sailors. Where's the money going? There is no Build Back Better or any building, for that matter. Biden can't speak truth or with any articulation. He's been away too far, for too long. His priorities are his crime family and our enemies that pay them.

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