
  • ...and to think that President Trump was impeached a few years ago for trying to break-up this corruption.


  • Short answer....yes.

  • We dont know at this point what JOE BIDEN and his family are involved in and its for certain if we are waiting on the DOJ  to find out we are waiting in vain

    there most certainly been enough information released that raises a lot of questions, We presently have Congress investigating , But i suspect that like most of these ivestigations its going nowhere, Millions of taxpayer dollars and thousands of hours and hundreds of hours of testimony and when the dust settles no one will be held accountable, As for HUNTER BIDEN it seems there is already  enough evidence against him that he should have already been indicted. Its said that the wheels of justice moves slowly but it seems in HUNTERS case the wheels arent moving at all. Speculation is speculation until evidence is provided that proves otherwise and its past time for all this to be finished and if crimes have been committed then its time to hold people accountable.

    • Freddie, no need to worry. Multiple committees in the House are investigating Hunter. They will publicize the compelling evidence before too long.

  • You think???????? Also with China and Putin, he is milking it on all sides........this guy needs to go to prison for he thug he is!

  • Of course it is. Been going on for a long time. We just do not know how many politicians are involved also. Including Rhinos ie: Mitch Mcconnell.

  • Tara Reade is correct. We have no business in neo-Nazi Ukraine. Only Biden's corruption keeps us there. We need to support Putin cleaning up the atrocity that is the Ukraine.

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