0 ADMIN Is Big Media Getting Tired of Fauci's Doubletalk Nonsense? Posted by Admin Dee on April 14, 2021 at 11:23am You need to be a member of Command Center to add comments! Join Command Center Email me when people reply – Follow
Rand Paul said it best - - "Burn your mask and your vaccine passport"!
Cannot stand this phony doctor
Bet he is making a fortune off of this phony pandemic that he probably helped financially to come up with this covid strain.
Fauci is a lying SOB. He is in the deep state up to his eyebrows. Fauci is an unethical doctor who has violated the hypocratic oath. He should lose his medical license in disgrace.
Fauchi is becoming as useful to the NWO as he is ethical.
So what do you do with useless baggage?
He is very valuable to the deep state and China and their total war on the West.
Arguably he has been.
What if he is not taken as credible anymore?