*It's all manufactured . .
— Lawyerforlaws (@lawyer4laws) March 10, 2021
Massive Twitter Political Outrages
Cancel Culture outraged is Manufactured . .
All to try to manipulate the public . .
This has been going on for decades now . .
David Brock's Media Matters hires people to control messaging . . https://t.co/196h53LtMI pic.twitter.com/0Umtdbmj6U
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What is happening in the US now is a least to some degree exactly what happened in Europe and Asia during the bloody twentieth century when somewhere between 170 million and 260 million citizens were murdered by their own government(s). We have the history to learn from their mistake but it is and has been cancelled so our young people have no knowledge of those horrendous years. If someone stopped people 30 or under on the street and asked questions about what happened than I bet less then one percent knows anything about the holocaust even let alone all the rest of the catastrophic action by these dictators. The holocaust was actions by hitler however, he was a piker compared with Mao and Stalin but make no mistake there were dozens of other who murdered their own citizens some like in Cambodia for as little as wearing glasses.
Gates is only an expert at computers, but is probably considered to be an expert because he has so much money he can BUY influence and his many tentacles seem to reach worldwide. Dr. Fauci is a "member" of Gates' foundation board of directors and is very cosy with the clintons, which completely compromises anything he has to say. Oh, did I forget to mention billy gates is also a communist, as is his daddy, John. And daddy John is also a chairman for planned baby killers international.
Following C.C.P. guidence all along. Now they're stealing our country from us. You know they'll be killing a lot of us soon,right?
Isn't that what the Tass Russian news agency did too during the cold war with their media. And why is everything with these liberals either ( the new ....) or the ( what ever blank matters)?
is this a new terminology cancel culture or is that a new term when Joe Biden went to the white house?
It's political correctness for"Fascist". You know. Their Maoist inspired Democrat Lie Speak. Like GENDER is a new name for Mental Illness.
Protecting PROPAGANDA as news... is the GOLD STANDARD for Marxist agents... News that is counter to the revolutionary NARRATIVE must be discredited and denied access to all media outlets... electronic, print, and live activism. All communication sources must be controlled as the lies of the left are easily exposed and discredited in an open society where communications are not locked down by the government.
The entire diatribe on the left calls for censorship of all information that doesn't support the Marxist party's narrative... Media Advocasy is just a contrived name for CENSORING non-approved alternative sources of information released for public consumption. The left's propaganda mill can not stand the light of day or survive a debate with the TRUTH.
It all started way way back. to no surprise, it was a conspiracy in the making from the start.
From father, mother, to son......
Some people only help thier own, looking as if there out there helping others, but behind the scenes, thier just doing for themselves.
This is called narsacitsic, controlling, power hungry people, with the help from the Kabal, which they are controlled by. Payback is a B_tch, and soon comming.
bill gates and his wife are both dead
What about DNA testing from both couples, if they have their both DNA's on record.