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  • I believe this is misinformation. I gathered by field reports that the President called out the National Guard, and that the Pentagon told Pelosi to go blow chunks with her request to interviene.

    So time will tell how we will enter into a shooting match, or not.

  • The left doesn't actually need to act on the 25th Amendment they can prepare the letter and hand it to the President... tell him to go quietly and he can stay until the 20th or if he tries to declare martial law they will remove him ... and he can leave the hard way in irons.   This is what happens when one fails to act decisively EARLY in a battle... the enemy has time to organizes and out-maneuvers you.

    • Colonel, how easy it would be to provoke the patience of others in times like this. I could see no glory in being correct, when the Nation faces disaster.

      The man owns his short comings and successes, as do we all. His difference is , he effects many many others in them. Be careful who is chosen to represent.

  • This sounds like a 25th Amendment removal of the President... a Constitutional Coup if it is tens of millions need to march on DC and demand the resignation of the Government ... all of them need to go.  We must all immediately go to DC in a major show of force to demand the entire Government resign subject to new elections... and a Term Limit and Recall Amendment... one term 6yrs for all elected and appointed officers, with 1/3rd of the government standing for election and appointment every 2 yrs... We must not allow a select cabal of privilege to attain such power again

      Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. The amendment states that if, for whatever reason, the vice president and a majority of sitting Cabinet secretaries (8) decide that the president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” they can simply put that down in writing and send it to two people — the speaker of the House and the Senate’s president pro tempore. Then the vice president would immediately become “acting president,” and take over all the president’s powers.

    If the president wants to dispute this move, he can, but then it would be up to Congress to settle the matter with a vote. A two-thirds majority in both houses would be necessary to keep the vice president in charge. If that threshold isn’t reached, the president would regain his powers.

    This threat may account for Pres. Trump's inability to drain the swamp... the American People may have to revolt to clean out the swamp.

    25th Amendment
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