
  • .......but let's not mention Obamacare that screws all of us so illegals and mental cases not knowing what they are can be treated

    • and somehow, miraculously, most docs went or were forced under hospital umbrellas, making covI.D. payouts really streamlined and simpld. Voila!!! THEN medIcal buildings on every block in simpletown.USA.

    • If only their motives were so simple... they want our health care system to collapse and millions to die... The leftist are the personification of EVIL>

    • And adults realize it but the indoctrinated can't see it.

  • It would seem that way, but then what would you expect out of a low-life anti-law creep like Lizzie, Squats with Unions>

  • She is a real hateful screwed up broad

  • Murder is never justified.... especially where we have courts capable of redressing the criminal acts of CEOs who allegedly abuse their power and end up killing millions; Muder by another means.


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