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  • Mr President if the recent interview with Paul Sperry by Lou Dobbs is accurate... the activities reported are prima facia evidence of a full-scale armed insurgency preparing for battle... These activities are indicative of organized subversive training for an armed insurrection. The current riots in America are mere childs play for what is being prepared.

    Look for a series of rolling riots, building in volume and intensity through the Summer... culminating with a heavily armed insurrection movement if the left believes they are about to loose the Novemeber election cycle. Domestic intel should be reporting this matter to you and given the buzz on the internet and other reliable sources I believe what we see happening is well organized, planed, funded and manned... these riots are not spontaneous and they are not the rantings of deranged patriots... a spoof or overplayed conspiracy.

    The FBI Director and his top aides need to be fired if they have not alerted you to this serious development... Anyone. and I mean anyone, appointed during the Obama regime must be considered an operative of Organize for Action (OFA) and the Obama Foundation. There are 32K trained now and another 25K being trained and organized around the individuals connected with the DNC... this is happening right now. I have also notice some very trougling under currents eminating for the highest echelons of the DOD...leading to questions regarding the loyalty of senior commanders to you and your Administration. I have never seen the undertowe of resistance and open consternation by senior officers for an Administrtion or Commander in Chief since Obama. Under Obama many of the then serving General Officers and Senior Colonels were culled and Pres. Obama appointed there replacements. This is also very troubling and raises some serious concerns. New background checks and interviews of the most senior officers may be in line...

    I would recommend considering the removal of Sec.Esper and Gen. Milliey now... this activity has occurred under their watch. If they haven't informed you of the serious nature of this build up you may want to find out why. The situation is now critical and it is past time for limited Martial law... designed to give the necessary authority to conduct a limited round up of key Deep State Operatives and officials in the Obama OFA and Foundation. One may also want to examine the DNC and Communist Party officials and their agents as additional targetd for detention and trial under martial law. It is very late in the current on going insurgency and the evidence is becoming incontravertable we are headed for civilwar.. I would ask you to consider the open border policy of Obama and the DNC millions of illegal aliens in our naiton are standing by as revolutionaries. Don't wait for the Election to be disrupted or for additional COVID viruses to suddenly appear, we are under an attack ... now.

    If anyone here has the ear of the President he needs to be informed that the question of insurrection and an invasion on par with a Red Dawn scenario is quite possible. all of the senior FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, DHS, and public health service officers appointed or hired under Obama's Administration are questionable covert operatives in an insurgency. Mr. President please consider putting the nation on a war footing... Ask the citizens of the US to arm themselves and organize local militia groups under the guidance of the National Guard and local Sheriff. Compile a list of suspected left-wing state and federal officials for detention and investigation. Invoke the Patriot act to pick up insurrectionists and hold them without bail... until a thorough investigation and military tribunal can try them for sedition or treason.

    The situation is not looking, good folks... I am reminded that certain former members of this site warned of these very events late last year... now they are coming to fruition. I saw them as extreme and unlikely then... but not now... not after the Pandemic and the current riots and a litney of historical evidence building the basis to suspect the DEEP STATE is engaged in the 'fundamental transformation' of the nation... in real and ominous terms.

    November could bring with its cold winds the ominous reports of civil war or insurrection... I fear most citizens will not be prepared. The left has been organizing for this event for years... They are not training over 57K agents to serve us lunch or too conduct a picnic or vollyball camp... There are reporst that they are training for a massive armed revolt.

    Insurrection is boiling up all around us. With the recent domestic violence and serious evidence of planned insurrection visible everywhere, I would not be surprised if the COVID19 Pandemic was a Democrat initiated viral pandemic... treason and mass murder are not beyond the pale. In fact, such acts are the historical means by which Communist close their ranks and consolidate the TAKE OVER OF A HOST NATION... All the evidence points to a typical, by the numbers, Marxist insurgency operation. A carefully crafted plan to overthrow the US Government.

    Mr. President... act while you can. Gather your most trusted advisors and go into seclusion; plan for a massive sweep of the nation, to remove the insurgents and domestic terrorists from the field before it runs red with the blood of patriots. There is little time left to react... to avoid massive civil war. However, if one acts decisively now, to defang the enemies of the Nation, the insurgents can be defeated with minimal loss of life.

  • Anyone who has undergone training to be DOMESTIC TERRORIST... needs to be picked up by the FBI NOW... immediately Mr. President.  It is illegal to conspire to subvert the government and too plan domestic terrorist acts.  Obama's OFA needs to be declared a Domestic Terrorist Organization and anyone connected to it.. Obama included should be treated as a domestic terrorits... FREEZE THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS AND ASSETS... do it now Mr. President. 

    Fire all those in the DOJ and FBI that refuse to investigate, indict or treat OFA members as domestic terrorists.

    • Agreed...enough is enough.

  • GEE call me surprised.  Obama was a hack, Manchurian candidate and in 8 yrs tried his best to destroy this country, but couldn't completely.  But he left behind many cancer cells throughout government and various departments, agencies.  It's also why the sob's wasted nearly3 yrs with a fake impeachment.  The democrat/progressive/marxists are still working on Obama's KILL AMERICAN AGENDA. Obama and his minions of liars, theives, spies and trained activists are still infecting this nation and adding to the mayhem.  So many cities and it's inhabitants want to destroy their businesses, jobs, buildings because some criminal cop killed a black man they don't know in Minneapolis?  Not likely.......the "peaceful day protestors" are shadowed at night by the Antifa terrorists, which of course are part of the Obama/Soros funded anarchy.  Wake up people.......we suffered under that rotten muslim/marxist for 8 yrs and he left a cancer on our government, society and education.

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