
  • They want to be America's Gestapo.

  • They are doing it. 

  • These fecal frauds are only a small part of the deep state; there are so many it is difficult to even count them all.

  • What happens to those who are found guilty of treason or insurrection?  The greatest danger America faces are the agents of Globalism and a New World Order...

  • They fear President Trump if he is elected because they know their future just like Satan knows his 

    • Wrong, Lopez.  All Christian prophets say that Trump will be reinstalled this year.  The Satanists and atheists have only this year to accomplish their one-world-order agenda. Therefore, you are seeing this tremendous push to erase Trump.  All attempts have failed and all are failing.  If Trump is convicted of a crime, he cannot be president.  The calendar year is short so they must push strong, hard, and with fury.  Trump is protected by Jehovah God.  Our enemies have no chance.  God says, "Why do the heathen rage and imagine a vain thing?"  Add the numbers of the present year. 2022 - 2+0+2+2=6.  Nine years from now is 2031.  Add its numbers. 2031=6. Nine years from 2031 is 2040.  Add its numbers. 2040=6.  There it is: 666.  I believe this is the only time in history since Christ's death, or birth, that this occurs.  So, they must achieve one-world-order this year, or wait 9 years for another chance in 2031, and, if unsuccessful wait another 9 years (2040).  God says that the generation that sees Israel reborn (1948) shall see God return and sit on His throne in Israel.  Seventy years is a generation.  Adding 70 years to 1948 results in 2018.  We are overdue in seeing Jesus by 4 years already.  Add another 9 years: 79 years, 9 years overdue.  Add another 9 years: 88 years, 18 years overdue.  In one 24-hour period you will see something people are calling a "Red Sea Moment."  It will occur between now and the New Year, but probably on or around September 24.  Among other occurrences, the dollar bill will collapse.  Have you bought your gold or silver or cryptocurrencies?  Why are we hearing about "Biden Bucks?"  Might I suggest that you, with an urgency, watch videos of Julie Green (only on rumble. com) and Bo Polny.  Also sign up for the email newsletter of  Here are three links to help you.

      The Daily Trump Report

      Julie Green Ministries

      Bo Polny

    • Hahahahaha, you are talking to someone who claims to speak 8 languages fluently while using the auto translator to provide proof of his brilliance. He is also a composer, and god knows what else!

       He speaks of all these prophets as "all" prophets, who keep predicting different events that never happen as they predict, so they come up with yet different dates. The guy lies fluently, then comes to preach to us as authority. He is falling for the false predictions, then he tries to get us all to join him. The only record he has if failure in the predictions!

    • “No one has the authority, moral or spiritual to threaten anyone else with God's judgment.” … well said, for Christ, Himself came not to judge the world but to save it.

      For none among us is without sin and in need of a savior… Let him who is without sin cast the first stone...  For who knows the heart of man or the things hidden within the depts. of man's soul… Except God be the judge, there can be no righteous judgment.  God alone is without sin.

      The natural man is quick to judge, slow to show mercy and short on grace… but the spiritual man judgeth all things, yet he himself is not judged  For, he judgeth with the mind of Christ the deep things of man’s soul… and with patients and mercy he giveth grace to those who oppose themselves… even as God has shown us all mercy and given us Grace for our sins… that we may be saved. 

      Judge not lest ye be judged… give mercy where mercy is due and Grace where repentance has delivered the sinner unto the Son of Man and salvation.  I don’t say we should not judge… only that our judgment must be tempered with mercy and grace.. with spiritual discernment and love… even as God loved the sinner while he was yet unrepentant and reprobate.  For no man knoweth the heart of man…. Only God knows the thoughts and intentions of the heart… Let us, therefore, temper our judgment with spiritual l discernment and love.

    • I urge you to read in your Bible, or on the internet I Kings 18:21 through 40.

      Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, in the United States, and in all the world!

      And they slew all 450 prophets of Baal.  There modern names are perhaps Schwaub, Gates, Obama, Clinton, Zuckerberg, Clinton    and 444 more...

    • It's like the end of the world predictions, new dates are set each time the end date passes.

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