Upon review of the US Domestic Terrorism Law... it appears that anyone or group that CREATES A FALSE PANDEMIC may well be considered  DOMESTIC TERRORIST... as defined by law:

Domestic Terrorism Law and Legal Definition:

Domestic terrorism means “activities that--

(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended--
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”(18 USCS § 2331)

See: https://definitions.uslegal.com/d/domestic-terrorism/

It appears that certain individuals in the CDC, and Democrat Party MAY HAVE violated the Domestic Terrorism Act... by promoting a false narrative for the current 'Pandemic'. There is probable cause to believe the current Pandemic is a Domestic Terrorist attack, that seeks to influence the Presidential election cycle. This current pandemic appears to be the creation of a false narrative designed to engage in political fearmongering, with the purpose to seriously damage our national economy and to disrupt the lives of millions.  Where are the DOJ and FBI, if there is evidence to coerce government policy using a false narrative and pandemic, this event is bigger than any Russian interference with our elections.

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  • Two things concerning the virus. One, it is manmade. By that I mean genetically altered in a lab.The release of it was either accidental or with purpose. A crisis resulted. Two, the democrat party is using the crisis to their advantage to intimidate, influence, affect, coerce, and remove the obstacle of economic success from a hated president , who is the primary obstacle himself preventing them from having thier way with the nation.

    Whether the release of the virus was purposeful has not been revealed. It hasn't even been seriously discussed as a possibility by government.  The reason? The resulting blow back could very likely start a shooting war unleashing some of the biggest guns imaginable. All of this is favoring the efforts of the DNC to unseat Trump.  The CDC, the WHO, and the UN all share at least one common political goal, and that is the removal of Trump from any office of authority. None of the above wants another 4 years of him.

    The reason I posted on another topic about lying was for this very reason. We, the people, are not being told the truth, and probably never will be. 

    I am not posting here for any religious reason or to pretend to be some sort of Godly person. But the truth is the truth.  And the truth matters. Satan exists. He is the "god of this present world".  He is also a murderer, and a liar. He is the father of lying. He does not deceive people by influencing the truth on the public.  He influences by lying.

    One more thing, and I personally think it is most important to say.  The Bible is a Book about Government.  It is.  And it needs to be understood that it is.

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