
  • I could be mistaken but under a declared national emergency the president may authorize expenditures not formally approved by Congress... in other words, Biden will declare an emergency and direct funds to Ukraine without COngressional approval.. Congress has one option ... IMPEACH... when a sitting president abuses this emergency provision in our laws.

  • Most of us know that the democrats have been using Ukraine as one of their many pipelines for the theft of U.S. tax dollars since they installed the Zelensky puppet government in 2014.

    This recent article lays out some of the many uses of OUR tax dollars in Ukraine. (WARNING: strong stomach needed)





    What Percentage of the $BILLIONS the U.S. Sends to Ukraine Funds Child Trafficking, Organ Harvestin…
    I have previously reported how the Russian - Ukraine war has uncovered much that was previously unknown about the "baby factories" in Ukraine where c…
  • The greatest threat we face as Americans is the Democrat Party. 

    • So very true and you can add Rinos to that list

    • Rinos are merely democrats attempting to disguise their treason.

  • I thinbk its time for a reality check, The serious question is if we are suppling weapons and Humanatarian aid to UKRAINE, What are the Billions of  taxpayer dollars being used for ? Where is it going and for what purpose? What is the future oF this war? Is there an end in sight?  Does UKRAINE have the MILITARY CAPABILITY AND LEADERSHIP TO CONTINUE TO FIGHT THIS WAR? Is America going to continue aid forever? Why isnt EURPOE taking a much stronger stand in defending UKRAINE? After  all this WAR is in their backyard. I dont make these statements lightly i am a veteran that served in  a WAR that our political leaders got us into and once in it they wouldnt let us win it The politicians back in WASHIN GTON  were dictating policies  and missions.. Im all for renedering aid but there has to be an end, Its time to start asking serious questions about HOW LONG WE ARE COMMITTED, I dont know of anyone that can look at the situation in UKRAINE  and the effects this war is having on its citizens and not have compassion.. Its time for serious questionms to be asked.  

    • Say FREDDIE: It's just about impossible for 'We The People" to separate how much  support is  actually altruistic and responding to a real need.  The rumors of laboratories, (funded by some US based financiers), that were doing gain of function research would have been enough to make any neighboring nation "antsy" and suspicious of a need to put a stop to that and is that why RUSSIANS invaded-? Zelensky , who probably never set foot on a battlefield ,( was formerly an Actor ! ! ! ), is reputed to have purchased vacation property in a more serene area of the globe. Would there have been "some hush funds" kicked back to SOME U.S.A. ELITES from our American genero$ity.  Also there is KLAUS SCHWABS W.E.F. which has made many "Under The Table Allies. IS/Was there a covert alliance between the funders of those laboratories, the actor president and American financiers. Athough ex. K.G,B. head PUTIN was reputed to have done some terrible things in his time; just maybe "that old man" was concerned about possible chemical destruction of his peoples.  It's a mess whatever way you look at it...AND as with all wars one never sees any statesmen, officials or lawmakers outwhere the blod gets spilled.

    • Also most recently a group of more than 300 sheriffs met in Washington. Their spokesman,(a sheriff), revealed that Our pRESIDENT has refused to meet with the Police Chiefs and Sheriffs of America. He has expressed the need to acknowledge and prepare for violence prone groups who will cause trouble and chaos here in America.  He also expressed his strong disagreement to the depletion of our military arms sent to UKRAINE.  So by design not by error he states that the officials of the Senate and the House have been a party to the weakening of OUR U.S.A. But frivolty and levity are the order of the day along with incomplete news or lies by the left leaning mainstream press......SURE HOPE WE "CAN TRUMP THAT"....

  • Surely it's Russia.......right!
    While I'll never say Russia shouldn't be watched and they're our friends, we have a real problem on the southern border, in DC with all the treasonous representatives, in the WH, etc. 

  • It's a commie Schumer threat and he needs dumped to irrelevant.

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