
  • DARN, WE NEED TO ECHO JOE OSBORN'S 20-20 STATEMENT.   M.E.G.O.  when i think that A GOD IN HEAVEN would sanction these tactics by HAMAS.  They Surely have Done TRUTHFUL PUBLIC RELATIONS FOR ISLAM.  So if the AYATOLLAH  says Nothing  about this he is helping the Devil hide their destructive "ReligaCult that Rules people by FEAR, LIES and DEATH.  The CHRISTIAN-JEWISH WORLD NEEDS TO GROW A SPINE and  send the Moslem-Terrorist-MOSLEMS,-Islamist-Terrorists back into oblivion. Useless, Spineless organizations and governments which remain mute on this ATROCITY need to be disbanded by average people and replace by GOD FEARING GROUPS who will round up the TERRORISTS and sentence them to perpetual confinement with NO FOOD Nor Water.  

  • Jeeez!! Suprise, Suprise, Suprise!!! Exactly rule 1 when looking for Hamas look under Schools, Hospitals, Senior Centers, Anywhere non, combatants gather. Its like they need a skirt to hide behind!! Hamas needs to man up they want to start something man up don't hide behind your women and children , the sick in the hospitals!! Get your ass out in the open and get this over with!! Get it out of your system 

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