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Issues of Interest
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Georgia Senate Election: Conservatives 
Must Vote and Save the United States
By Rovvy Lepor
{ } ~ The January 5 special runoff elections for the US Senate in Georgia will certainly be one of the most important in US history: It is a choice between maintaining a constitutional republic that values individual freedom or changing the USA into the USSA (United Socialist States of America). This January 5 should be viewed as a mandate to all conservatives and Republicans in Georgia to vote, not to simply reelect two Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler but rather to vote to preserve freedom. A loss of those Senate seats can lead to catastrophic harm that may well require a miracle to undo.

On January 5, 1967, in his inaugural address as governor of California exactly 54 years before the pivotal January 5, 2021 Georgia runoff election, Ronald Reagan warned the people of the United States that freedom can never be taken for granted.  If we do not fight for it, we effectively cede it. In a real sense of the word, January 5, 2021 is Judgment Day for the United States, and each vote in Georgia for the Republican Senate candidates is a good deed that may prove pivotal in maintaining Republican control over the Senate.

As Reagan put it so effectively on January 5, 1967:

Perhaps you and I have lived with this miracle too long to be properly appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.

And in his famous 1964 speech, “A Time for Choosing,” Reagan said:

We're at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars, and it's been said if we lose that war, and in so doing lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening…

We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.

President Reagan’s warnings ring more true now than ever for the January 5, 2021 Georgia Senate runoff elections. At this critical moment in American and world history, in these pivotal runoff elections, every voter is a peaceful warrior in the fight for the soul of the United States of America. It is because of this that no conservative and no Republican has a moral right to boycott this election. A well-intentioned, but ill-advised, plan to protest Georgia voter fraud is a vote to cede control of the United States to the forces of liberalism and socialism, in effect, to cede freedom, the underpinning of this country.

Every vote in the Georgia Senate runoff elections counts in these two exceptionally close races that are well within the margin of error; as of December 31, the RCP (RealClearPolitics) polling average shows Republican Senator David Perdue trails by a razor-thin 0.8% margin and Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler trails by only 1.8%. These margins demand a red-wave of Republican votes to counter and overpower any blue-wave of Democrat votes. Unlike most swing states where polling averages have been way off in recent presidential election years, polling averages for Georgia have been relatively accurate.

Unfortunately, in protest of election fraud and questions about the reliability of the Dominion voting system, some conservative voters have decided to sit out the election and not vote. According to a recent SurveyUSA election poll, 6% of conservative registered voters and 2% of liberal registered voters plan on not voting. Such a significant gap in those who plan on not voting could certainly prove decisive in giving the Democrats the Senate, and the country, on a silver platter.

Some voices have called to sit-out and boycott the election unless important changes are made in how future elections are conducted. Some of these voices are from conservatives, while some are undoubtedly from liberals who seek to, in effect, disenfranchise conservative voters by misleading them to think that a victory for Republicans in Georgia is impossible.

Notwithstanding challenges, Republicans have a real chance of holding two Senate seats, forestalling Democrat control of the Senate and the subsequent ability to ramrod destructive liberal legislation through a narrowly held House and Senate. Republican control of the Senate with at least 51 seats will prevent Democrats from packing the Supreme Court, adding four Democrat Senate seats by making Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. into states, and from passing legislation to socialize healthcare, expand abortions, pass the Green New Deal, dramatically raise taxes, significantly limit the right to bear arms, and allow international foes to target the United States with impunity, to name a few.

Be assured that with their razor-thin majorities in the House (with 222 seats - 4 seats more than a bare majority) and in the Senate (with 50 seats), the Democrats will work doggedly to preserve their fragile grasp on power to try and ensure it will never be surrendered.

While it is right to protest widespread election fraud in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia and a number of other swing-states, there are other effective ways to do it to effect positive change. However, a potentially self-destructive election boycott in Georgia must be avoided at all costs, because any supposed potential “gain” risks the loss of the constitutional republic of the United States. An election boycott only benefits the leftist Democrats in their attempt to wrest control of the United States in perpetuity.

Instead of boycotting the election, those who oppose surrendering the country to full-Democrat control should look for other, more effective, avenues to achieve electoral change. Republicans and conservatives should unite to demand state legislators in Georgia, and in all potential swing states, stop using Dominion voting systems, and any digital voting system. In addition, a whole host of election laws should be instituted, such as voter ID laws and laws to ensure vote counts are conducted with proper scrutiny.

In light of the widespread discontent with the vote in Georgia and widespread coverage, particularly in conservative media, coupled with increased intensity by conservatives and Republicans to better ensure election fraud does not take place on January 5, it will almost certainly be much more difficult for the same degree of election fraud to occur. And while election fraud will likely occur on a smaller scale, the best way to compensate for that fraud is to overpower the Democrat vote with record Republican vote turnout combined with engaging in meaningful observation of the vote counts.

The US Senate runoff elections in Georgia may well prove pivotal for the future direction of the United States and the world. The threat of Democrat control of the Senate, and the havoc that the Democrats can wreak on the country with unfettered power, is something that must be prevented. January 5, 2021 is Judgment Day not just for Georgia but also for the United States and, by extension, the world. It is high time that all Republicans and conservatives in Georgia stand united and vote for a Republican Senate and the United States of America, for “united we stand, divided we fall.”
GOP senators, led by Cruz, to object to Electoral College
certification, demand emergency audit
By Adam Shaw
{ } ~A group of GOP senators led by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, will object to the Jan. 6 certification of the presidential election results next week unless there is an emergency 10-day audit of the results by an electoral commission.  

Cruz and the other senators claim the Nov. 3 election "featured unprecedented allegations of voter fraud and illegal conduct."

Joining Cruz are Sens. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.; James Lankford, R-Okla.; Steve Daines, R-Mont.; John Kennedy, R-La.; Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Mike Braun, R-Ind.; as well as Sens.-elect Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo.; Roger Marshall, R-Kansas; Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., and Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala.

Their effort is separate from one announced by Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., who said this week that he will object to what he claims was the failure of some states -- most notably Pennsylvania -- to follow their own election laws.

"Voter fraud has posed a persistent challenge in our elections, although its breadth and scope are disputed," the lawmakers said Saturday in a statement. "By any measure, the allegations of fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election exceed any in our lifetimes."

While the Trump campaign has challenged the results in dozens of lawsuits, judges have dismissed them due to a lack of evidence. Attorney General William Barr said last month that "to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election."

A source familiar with the effort by the GOP senators told Fox News that it was Cruz who orchestrated the push just days before the joint session of Congress on Wednesday to officially approve the Electoral College votes electing former Vice President scumbag/liar-Joe Biden.

The lawmakers say there is a precedent of Democrats objecting to election results in 1969, 2001, 2005 and 2019. "And, in both 1969 and 2005, a Democratic Senator joined with a Democratic House Member in forcing votes in both houses on whether to accept the presidential electors being challenged," they said.

The senators and senators-elect are calling for Congress to appoint a commission to conduct a 10-day emergency audit of the election returns in states where the results are disputed. They cite as precedent the 1877 race between Samuel Tilden and Rutherford Hayes in which there were allegations of fraud in multiple states.

"In 1877, Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy," the lawmakers said in the statement. "Instead, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission -- consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices -- to consider and resolve the disputed returns."

"We should follow that precedent. To wit, Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed."

If that doesn't happen, the senators intend to vote against certification...

The missing flu riddle: 'Influenza has been 
renamed COVID,' maverick epidemiologist says
By Daniel Payne 
{ } ~ Rates of influenza have remained persistently low through late 2020 and into 2021, cratering from levels a year ago and raising the puzzling specter of sharply reduced influenza transmission rates even as positive tests for COVID-19 have shattered numerous records over the last several weeks.

Where have all the flu cases gone?

Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski thinks he can answer the riddle.

"Influenza has been renamed COVID in large part," said the former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University.

"There may be quite a number of influenza cases included in the 'presumed COVID' category of people who have COVID symptoms which Influenza symptoms can be mistaken for, but are not tested for SARS RNA,"  Wittkowski told Just the News on Thursday.

Those patients, he argued, "also may have some SARS RNA sitting in their nose while being infected with Influenza, in which case the influenza would be 'confirmed' to be COVID."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's weekly influenza surveillance tracker reports that the cumulative positive influenza test rate from late September into the week of Dec. 19 stands at 0.2% as measured by clinical labs. That's compared to a cumulative 8.7% from a year before.

The weekly comparisons are even starker: This week one year ago, the positive clinical rate was 22%, where now it stands at 0.1%.

Those low numbers continue trends observed earlier in the year in which flu rates have remained at near-zero levels. The trend is not limited to the U.S. Worldwide, health authorities have all reported sharply decreased influenza levels throughout what is normally peak flu season in the northern hemisphere. Rates in the southern hemisphere were also low this year.

Numerous experts have pointed to the ongoing COVID-19 mitigation measures — including mask-wearing, physical separation, and other anti-virus tactics — as an explanation for decreased flu levels.

Timothy Sly, an epidemiology professor at Ryerson University in Toronto, told Just the News that "the reduced incidence of seasonal influenza is almost certainly due to the protection that a large proportion of the population has been using for many months." Those measures, he said, are "designed to be effective against any airborne respiratory virus."

Holden Maecker, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford University, echoed that assessment. "I feel pretty confident that the COVID-19 mitigation measures have caused the reduction in flu cases this year," he said. "Masks, social distancing, and hand washing are all effective counter-measures against colds and flu."

Speculating on why COVID levels have continued to soar if those measures have been so effective at stopping the flu, Maecker said: "I think it's because (1) there is less pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in the population, whereas most of us have had vaccines and/or previous bouts with flu; and (2) the SARS-CoV-2 virus seems to spread more easily than influenza, including more aerosol transmission and 'super-spreader' events. Flu transmission is almost entirely close-range droplets and hand-to-nose or eyes contact."

Sly also argued that the different dynamics of COVID-19 and influenza transmission likely play a role.

Claiming that mask-wearing and social distancing are not universal, Sly said that "major transmission events" can result in explosive spread of the coronavirus.

"All viral acute respiratory infections will be curtailed by distancing and masking: influenzas A and B, Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), common cold (more than 100 types of virus), and of course, CoV-19," he said. "But if the precautions are not universal, the transmissions that DO take place will have different consequences and rates of spread."...
Hospital Workers Refuse To Take It
by Joshua Jackson
{ } ~ The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday:

At St. Elizabeth Community Hospital in Tehama County, fewer than half of the 700 hospital workers eligible for the vaccine were willing to take the shot when it was first offered. At Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Mission Hills, one in five frontline nurses and doctors have declined the shot. Roughly 20% to 40% of L.A. County’s frontline workers who were offered the vaccine did the same, according to county public health officials.

So many frontline workers in Riverside County have refused the vaccine — an estimated 50% — that hospital and public officials met to strategize how best to distribute the unused doses, Public Health Director Kim Saruwatari said.

The extent to which healthcare workers are refusing the vaccine is unclear, but reports of lower-than-expected participation rates are emerging around the country, raising concerns for epidemiologists who say the public health implications could be disastrous.

Some health care workers are skeptical of vaccines; others worry that the development of the coronavirus vaccine may have been rushed. Still others believe that because they have been able to avoid infection for months by wearing masks and taking other precautions, they can continue to do so, the Times reports.

Earlier in December, Fast Company magazine pointed out that mandatory vaccine policies in the workplace also tend to backfire, ironically, as more people are likely to be vaccinated when participation is voluntary.

Debate continues about the best way to distribute the vaccine. Florida has adopted a first-come, first-served approach for the elderly, leading to criticism — but also to a potentially faster rollout. to a vulnerable population.

Other states have prioritized health care workers and first responders, which has led to some delays in wider distribution.

Vice President scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, who criticized President Trump’s vaccine development efforts during the presidential campaign, complained earlier this week that “the Trump administration’s plan to distribute vaccines is falling behind, far behind.”

Operation Warp Speed leader Gen. Gustave Perna  apologized earlier this month for confusion that led to many states receiving fewer doses than they had expected. However, White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Wednesday that he expected the program to catch up to its targets after “hiccups.”

Demon Loving Democrats in Hot Water 
With Support Base for Being Hypocrites

The hypocrisy of the self-proclaimed liberal gods hangs around their necks like a millstone. Californians are suffering worse because of the insanity of Gavin Newsom. His defiant attitude and failure to listen to the Golden State citizens are leading him down a path of destruction.

COVID-19 has allowed the Democratic, progressive, a way of hurting people with business lockdowns and mask-wearing. He orders people to stay home and avoid contact with family while he gets to live it up and party like nothing is wrong in the world.

Newsom is not the only hypocrite acting like a spoiled brat. London Breed of San Francisco likes to party with the royal elite. But these actions and more are reasons why Newsom is facing a recall threat from the very people he is supposed to serve.

The Demonic western Democrats are not alone as their eastern cultists engage in much of the same deadly deeds. The Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo ordered people to stay home wearing a mask so she could parade themselves in public without wearing one. Raimondo waves her fist at people violating her rules, and yet she engages in the same behavior as the ones she punishes.

The rhetoric of “stay home, save lives” is a Democratic ploy to scare people into staying at home. The demonic royals just want to clear the streets, so they do not have to rub shoulders with the common folks. Raimondo even overstepped her authority by stating, “stay home except for essential activities & wear a mask anytime you’re with people you don’t live with.”

These liberal demons love to go out of their way to attend dinners, participate at country club gatherings, and to take long vacations to hot zones that are banned from entering. But demons never obey their own rules.

Even the lustful Mayor of Austin Steve Adler was found violating serious lockdown rules. He hosted his daughter’s wedding that had over 20 people in attendance. He then entered into his private jet and left for Mexico for a vacation. He is living it up while everyone else had to cancel their weddings and lock themselves behind their doors.

Adler would return to the city and log into his Zoom account and apologize for dumping on everyone. But he was not remorseful or regretful in any way. He had just got back from a nice vacation. His apology was filled with sarcastic laughs and taunting.

The list of cultist leaders continues to grow. Demon lover Michael Hancock of Denver told everyone to stay at home by using his cell phone. He was at the airport boarding a plane to fly home to Mississippi for Thanksgiving. He certainly did not care because he justified his trip by believing it was safer to fly alone.

And then the cult leader John Bel Edwards ate outdoors when it was ordered that outdoor dining was to cease. He had his team lie for him as they would claim that he was “not in violation of his own orders.” And “he had his mask on the entire time that day, except for when he was eating.” But he was eating as he stood up and spoke to another patron?

scumbag/liar-Joe Biden just could not stay off the cultist list as he promoted partying after his fraudulent election night win. He urged Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer, Lori Lightfoot, and others to party mask less all night long. A blatant disregard for rules supposedly in place to protect everyone from COVID-19.

The demonic Democrats believe they are somehow special and immune to the land’s laws and rules: their defiance demands scrutiny and removal from office. Liberals are the most significant threat this country has seen in the past decade. They care more about locking up businesses and letting their followers murder people than making America great and protecting citizens.

President Trump has been fighting for what is right for the past four years. He is the president of law and order. And under no circumstances will he allow people to destroy what generations have fought and died to protect secretly. The United States is the greatest nation ever to exist that has helped so many people worldwide.

Mass Exodus From Liberal Cities Caused By Dems
by Joshua Jackson
{ } ~ Americans packed up and moved out of big cities by the millions over the past several months amid the COVID-19 pandemic and are not planning on returning, meaning some smaller communities and suburban areas will look very different for the foreseeable future.  

In October and November, according to real estate site Redfin, top destinations included Sacramento, Calif., Las Vegas, Phoenix, Austin, Texas, and Atlanta.

“As the coronavirus pandemic and the shift toward remote work continues across the country, more people than ever are looking to make long-distance moves, often from expensive coastal regions to affordable inland areas where they can find more space for less money,” Redfin noted in a report.

The outlet based its findings on an analysis of more than 2 million site users “who searched across 87 metro areas in October and November.”

Though the aforementioned destinations have always been popular for Americans seeking to relocate, “the number of out-of-towners searching for homes in all five metros has skyrocketed since last year,” Redfin noted further.

“There has been a massive influx of buyers coming to Austin this year, mostly people who work in tech or other industries that allow them to work remotely,” said local Redfin agent Andrew Vallejo.

“About 80 percent of my buyers are from the East Coast or the West Coast, specifically from the Bay Area. The number of people moving in from California picked up even more after the election, and a lot of people have newfound confidence in the Austin housing market because of the upcoming Tesla factory,” he added.

“I’ve also noticed a lot of people come to Austin, rent a house for a couple months, then fall in love with the walkability and charm of the city and move here permanently,” Vallejo continued.

“The number of out-of-towners makes the market difficult for locals, especially if they don’t work in tech. A lot of local homebuyers have to look in the far-flung suburbs to find a home, or they have to turn to family members for cash to make their offers more competitive,” said Vallejo.

In addition to the pandemic, other factors including high taxes and rising violence are contributing to the mass migration.

“I never wanted to leave California. It’s the most beautiful state with the best climate. I think the tipping point was continued tax increases and even more proposed tax increases. … I have absolutely no regrets,” California resident Scott Fuller told local media in San Diego last month.

There has been a similar exodus — of residents and businesses — from New York City and state as well, and for the same reasons.

“Every major Wall Street firm is drawing up plans to significantly slash its presence in the city for the foreseeable future,” Fox Business Network reported in late December...

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