Prosecutors in the SDNY securities fraud unit also briefly probed foreign payments to Hunter Biden last year, eyeing a possible money laundering investigation, but backed down after consulting with Delaware US Attny's Office, which was well ahead of them in investigating Hunter 
Meanwhile, as part of a federal criminal investigation in the Western District of Pennsylvania of a hospital chain linked to Joe's brother, Jimmy Biden, the FBI has been asking questions about Jimmy's dealings 

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  • there you go I smell a RAT with the Biden and the Obama.

  • All the Bidens are criminals, all are guilty of many crimes including, High Treason, money laundring , human traficing, kiddie porn and a slew of others. Joe Satan Biden is guilty of High treason, election tampering and is an enemy agent working for the communist Chinese. He should get the death penalty. The firing squad would fit Joe Satan Biden perfectly

  • The most serious coruption is the fraudulent ballots and that involves the entire left !  It's war folks !

  • Lock the Bidens up and be done with it.

  • Today Rush said 9% of Biden voters said they wouldn't have voted for him if they knew about it. The Fake New covered for them and that was the plan all along. They don't want Biden for president either. They just wanted him elected and drag Harris along with him and then have him drop out soon after for health reasons or impeach him for corruption. Then they will have the person they wanted all along as president.

  • I think we need to arrest, indict and try the Bidens... enough evidence and investigation have already occurred to justify a Grand Jury hearing and indictment.  Calling for more investigations only puts off the prosecution of criminal conduct and all too often results in more investigations and an eternal Carousel ride going nowhere but in circles.

    • They aren't investigating Sleepy Joe, just his brother and Hunter. So they are still covering for him. I think Joe plans on pardoning them first before he leaves the White House. They really need to examine Joe's taxes and ask him where all those millions came from. Since thet are examining Hunter's taxes it will show that he was giving most of his ill gotten ganes to his dad and that should lead to an exam of Joe's taxes. But. they won't unless the Deep State tells them to.

  • It is high time that the general population is allowed to know all about the Biden crime family!  I wonder how many people would not have voted for him if they were aware of this!

    • The Biden election was not won with legitimate votes... therefore, any public knowledge of his criminal enterprises would not make a difference... rigged elections count votes until their candidate wins .... 

    • Amen...The voting machines were set to let Biden win....

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