
  • Chuck Schumer is a well hated loud mouth piece of crap ......A wanna be tough guy trapped in an OLD MANS BODY ,LOL

  • Schumer was in a contest with the devil to detemine who was the most evil. Schumer won.

    • And the devil gave him a big hug.

  • Democrats usually reverse-engineer everything they propose. What OUTCOME do we want? Then devise the most convoluted way to get there with as many details as possible hidden in gobbledygook politispeak language ( with GOJF -Get Out of Jail Free  ) trap doors as possible. Then give it a bland, non-descript title with emphasis on " It's for the CHILDREN, you moron, VOTE FOR IT! ' ...BUT AGAIN, the GOP is letting the Dems do all the grunt work, just to come through and say ' It's too long, too convoluted, and not for the American people. ' then demand changes, which means a new title.  As you can see, I hold todays' politics in high regard...right up there with abusive parents, serial killers, andvenemous snakes.

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    • He really is an awful human being and should be six feet under.


    • ADMIN


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