My name is Joseph McBride, and I have been representing Ryan Nichols since 2021.
Ryan Nichols is an honorably discharged Marine Corps Veteran living with PTSD.  He is a father to two young boys—a husband to a beautiful wife, and the son of a Marine Corps Veteran turned Pastor and a lifelong schoolteacher.  Ryan is a search and rescue specialist who spends hundreds of days per year rescuing people from natural disasters all over America.  Ryan Nichols is an American hero. 
I secured his release from the hellish gulag on November 22, 2022, after he was held in solitary confinement illegally for two years during pre-trial detention. Ryan was psychologically and physically tortured in DC Jail by guards and leadership who hated him for his politics, faith in Jesus Christ, and skin color. Ryan has been home since his release, trying to pick up the pieces of his life.  He is also battling serious incarceration-related health issues.
The decision to plead guilty in his case was gut-wrenching.  At the end of the day, we had to balance the unlikelihood of getting a non-biased DC Jury against bargaining for the best possible deal. We secured a deal that hopefully allows him to return home to his wife and two young sons as quickly as possible.  Ryan will plead guilty on November 7th in DC District Court.  After that, a sentencing date will be scheduled. I will argue for the lowest possible penalty for a great man whose life has been ruined because he attended a protest where old men and women were attacked in a Tiananmen Square-like crackdown on free speech by the DC Metropolitan Police Department. 
Ryan is a great man.  Please pray that Judge Lamberth restores Ryan’s freedom as soon as possible. 
May God Bless Ryan Nichols.

J6 FACT: The genesis of the J6 Tapes becoming an issue & demand for their release stems from our work on this case. Specifically a motion I filed in Nov. 2021 & the Dec. 2021 ruling, which released the first unedited block of J6 video the world ever saw. It changed everything.🇺🇸 
I showed the video to a group of lawyers during a meeting in Chevy Chase, Maryland, in March of 2022. The lawyers were outraged. One of the lawyers got up screaming and cursing, and then he cried because he could not believe what he had seen. His name is Brad Geyer. @FormerFeds 
@FormerFeds Brad Geyer and I partnered on J6 cases going forward. I immediately recognized his passion and outrage because it represented my own. Brad and I tried Bigo Barnett's case together. That case taught us that a fair jury trial in the DC District Court is nearly impossible. 
Attorney Jonathon Moseley was also at that meeting. Jonathon has been a valuable resource to me. He continues to be a pivotal resource to many J6 legal teams, even though he was unfairly targeted for legal assassination by the DC Bar. 
Speaking of assassinations. On April 5, 2022, an attempt was made on my life while I was entering Washington, DC. Undoubtedly a direct consequence of my J6 advocacy. Attorney John Kiyonaga informed Judge McFadden of said attempt during a bench conference in USA v Quaglin. 
Attorney John Kiyonaga was also at the Chevy Chase meeting. His father worked for the CIA for 40 years. John candidly warned me, "Joe, I am certainly not telling you what to do here. But you may want to reconsider your strategy. You're dealing with seriously powerful people." 
I was on my way to present my findings to members of Congress and other DC-based advocacy groups the night the attempt happened. Afterward, I traveled to PA to attend a Patriot Freedom Project event, where I met
@GenFlynn. Gen. Flynn's presence inspired me tremendously. 
I had to take drastic security measures for my safety, including working from different offices and moving to another place, away from my family, to protect them. My home, office, apartment, and vehicle were infiltrated multiple times by...well, you know who. 
I have been followed across multiple state lines by tinted SUVs with Maryland, Virginia, and DC plates, including with my loved ones in the car. I have had to ditch multiple tails on highways, roads, and airports. All to get me to STFU. 
Each time I would go on the news or appear on a pod cast, my clients would get beaten in jail or thrown in the hole. Be that as it may, every one of them told me: "Joe, for the love of God, DO NOT STOP." 
My team and I spoke out when no one else had the balls to say a word. When everyone else was cowering in the corner afraid of being cancelled or concerned with what their friends in high places were thinking. We charged the battlefield with no F*cks given. 
Because what we were doing was far more important than losing some snobby douchebag friend with no guts. Because what was on the line was too essential to display weakness. Even though most of it was very scary. 
Most people will never know what it is like to walk into a federal court with a judge who loathes your existence, never mind that of your client. Nor will they understand the pressure of constantly being told by other attorneys, "Joe, that's just not how things are done." 
We were told not to go on TV. We did it.
Not to blast off on Twitter. We did it.
Not to disrespect the Government. WE DID IT.
All the DC Rank and File told us:
"This is the way it is done..." We said F*CK THAT. 
I stood before Judge McFadden, and my client Chris Quaglin was down 60 lbs from being fed non-celiac-safe food. The Judge told him his weight loss was due to his bad attitude. What do you do with that kind of Evil? All you can do is stand tall and beg God for help. 
But after you beg God, you listen. And after you listen, you act. And act I did. I've been to Congress dozens of times on his matter alone. Most members did not give a shit about what happened to their constituents. But some really frigging care. 
@replouiegohmert & @mtgreenee.
@RepAndyBiggsAZ & @RepMattGaetz.
@RepScottPerry & @Jim_Jordan.
@RepTroyNehls & @ByronDonalds.

These are but a few of the good solid members of Congress who have been on the side of the Constitution and Human Rights since this fight began. 
Regarding Members of Congress who care about this country and what happened on J6. One man stands above the rest: CONGRESSMAN CLAY HIGGINS.

@RepClayHiggins has done more for this country behind closed doors, on the House Floor, and out in the street than anyone I know. 
@RepClayHiggins Regarding the Trump Family. I've basically met them all at this point. And what I can say is this.


They've been in this fight, every hour of every day, since this started. Anyone who claims otherwise has no sense whatsoever of WTF they are talking about. 
@RepClayHiggins Regarding the Rank-and-file Prosecutors. Some of you are really good people. You truly are. I hope you stay in government and reform the DOJ when it's time. Because that time is coming. I will personally vouch that you were honorable during this disgusting era at the DOJ. 
DOJ Leadership: You are the worst filth this country has ever seen. You are unethical and entirely compromised. You don't fight by the rule of law because you do not have to. One day, you will stand before the Judge of all. And I will be there with marshmallows for your fire. 
The American Public lost the battle to expose the truth regarding J6. We were buried by the unethical partnership between the MSM and DOJ at every turn and around every corner. But in that battle, we all learned so much. 
Most importantly, the war's front lines for our country's soul will be fought with keyboards, cameras, and microphones. By soccer moms at school board meetings and good fathers refusing to let their children get indoctrinated by schools that prey on the minds of their children. 
DEMOCRATS: You betrayed your countrymen and sent them to the Gulag for J6. Don't be surprised when your pleas for enforcing the human rights of those you love fall on deaf ears. Take a hard look in the mirror. You've brought great evil and misfortune upon your own house. 
Ryan Nichols will plead on November 7th. The Government will argue to incarcerate him and call him a monster, even though he has been home hugging his wife and kids since November 22, 2022. I will argue for his continued release. 
Adam Jackson gets sentenced in February. He is another great man from Texas who is a stellar example of what it means to be a great husband, father, and grandfather. The government wants years of his life. We will plead with the Judge to let Adam keep those years. 
My team and I have kept immaculate records regarding our J6 cases, advocacy work, and all the crazy things that have happened in between. We've done so for legal and historical purposes. And to call people to the carpet when that time comes. 
Adam Jackson and Ryan Nichols represent the last of my J6 cases. I have considered taking more cases along the way. But the level of dysfunction and toxicity with the greater J6 community makes me wanna f*ckin puke. 
Lately I have seen a lot of people attacking @shipwreckedcrew. Bill, you are a good lawyer who knows what you're doing. All I can say regarding the people who have been attacking you is, F*CK emm. 
@shipwreckedcrew "And that's all I have to say about that."
—Forrest Gump 

• • •

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  • These days everyone who walks into DC  or any city run by the left risks his life......thanks to democrats, our capital city is not only a snake pit of politicians, but of criminal thugs on the streets.

  • Thank you for representing these men.  Praying for you and them everyday.  Now I'm able to say 3 names specifically to pray say instead of just "all J6 prisoners and accused".   Praying for each person freedom, clear release, safety, protection and healing.  We've been praying for immediate release.  God bless you.  

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