
  • SIMPLY MY EDUCATED, COMMON SENSE and EXPERIENCED OPINION AND VIEW: I can still have one, can't I?  My personal experience shows me that this "police state" has been in existance for at least 3 to 4 decades!  Each year it has been getting a little more in our faces, until now they have the power to the extent that they don't care about the Constitution or anyone else!  This NWO group is out to destroy the USA and they are doing a great job of it, period!  This group that is in power of the FED agencies are totally ruthless!  After watching the demise of the USA for over 50 years I can say without reservation, that no matter what year or day it was, no matter how bad I thought it was at that time, I'd find out a year later that it was always worse than I knew at that time!!!  Think about that statement.  I STAND WITH TRUMP, PERIOD!!!  At this point, nothing the FEDs do would surprise me!  Don't forget Seth Rich, don't forget the Georgia Stones, don't forget that the NWO is telling us what they are going to do and they do it!  ALSO, DON'T FORGET WHO THE FEDS ARE!

  • I cannot wait until these corrupt evil people face the LORD on Judgement Day!

  • He's looking for another insurrection, LOL!!! Here's  the problem, he is  reading everything that we text each other here on this web site, on that note you can  make book. What can we do about it?? Nothing, let's just don't be surprised if we start getting phone calls, or a knock on the door. Hello Darlin.

    • YES JOE:  Think relative safety for RELATIVES-near & far.  We have chosen to do what others will Not

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