
  • Apparantly they didn't see the Tucker Carlson interview where Putin said he prefer dementia be in the office because he is "dependable", in other words Putin can count on him to do nothing but posture whereas Trump can't be intimidated!!!!!  psaki and peelosi are both corrupt morons!!!!!!!!!!

  • Not inrerested in ANYTHING these lying worthless broads have to say!!!

  • Who paid for PeaLosi to go to Munich? I trust the taxpayers were not paying for that.  This goon belongs in prison. She has more than committed high crimes and misdameanors. She is also the most worthless bitch to ever be elected to any office in the country.  God, lets get her out of our sight, out of public office, and out of our lives.  I noticed that she is leaving San Francisco and moving to Florida.  She made a shithole out ot San Fran, doesn't want to pay taxes in California, and now is moving to Florida so she does not have to pay State taxes.  What a criminal.

    • California... doesn't allow one to avoid State Income Taxes on retirement byi leaving the State and establishing a residence in another state...  California claims retirement income earned in California can be taxed by California, no matter where one moves... after retiring.

      Sort, of like moving out of the US to avoid income taxes on monies earned in the US... won't work.  She of course is privileged and is therefore unlikely to be pursued for her fair share of reporations and equity taxes for the poor.

  • I would think there tin foil hats are getting a little small for them - they need bigger hats.  Wouldn't it be nice if everytime a de"mock"rat lied there was a red light that lit up above their heads?  Of course that light would be lit all the time {even in their sleep).

    • They have eternal reservations in the Lake of Fire!!!!!!!!!!


  • Pelousy and Pskai are two boobs of the same ilk who should NEVER have been near our government.

  • Who can listen to this BS?

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