I ran into Jerry Nadler in DC and asked him to disavow the Antifa violence/rioting in Portland.
— Essential Fleccas 🇺🇸 (@fleccas) July 27, 2020
His response?
“THATS A MYTH” pic.twitter.com/veImyE2rju
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Where is Nadler's mask... and who's the young man with him... His aide or? Was this pick-up near 14th Street... once, a hotbed for sex trafficking?
The antifa and demonrats are far left fascist. They are dangerous and need to be eliminated asap.
The dems are not stupid. They are not making mistakes. Their laws and regulations do not have unintended consequences. Everything they do is On Purpose.Everything they do and every result that happens is Fully Intensional. It is waaay worse than you think. They want to totally Destroy America. Trump was never supposed to win in 2016. He destoyed all the regulations, policies and laws that the Dems had put in place to slow down progress in America. Then Trump did the unthinkable. He got out of the way and let America grow and prosper. Politicians always promise this, but never let it happen. The last time this did happen was in 1920. The result was the "Roaring Twenties". The elites back then absolutely HATED it. Ordinary people were buying homes and cars and washing machines. The Elites could not stand it. To them, the peasants were not supposed have that much money. They vowed that such a thing would never happen again.
Trump created a replay of the roaring twenties with the lowest unemployment records in history. Millions of people were so happy. When the entire country had to be shut down because of the pandemic, they could not believe their GOOD LUCK. Now, their dream of financially destroying America could come true. This isn't the end of the bad news. Look up other communist takeovers. Millions of people have to die. In 2008, I read some material by and for the Dems. On their wish list they wanted to divide people by race and they wanted a real race war in America.
Dems will say or do anything to try to ridicule our side. They accuse us of doing what they, the Dems, are doing themselves. What Jerry Nadler said is to be expected. He must try to become one of the Dems heroes. If they win this war against us, he thinks he will be one of the rulers of the new communist country that used to be America. And just like in the ruling class in China, he would expect to be a Bilionaire. The Dems seem to be ignorant of history. People like Nadler are lined up and shot by the communists. Just sayin'.
Sadly, but truthfully the COVID pandemic is not an accident or coincidence... it was planned and deliberately staged to destroy Trump's economy and hurt his chances for reelection... they want to stymie turn out so they can vote for those who are no shows or control how the mail-in ballots are credited and too who their votes are tallied for... when one votes in person the machine usually verifies your vote was recorded and for whom... that doesn't happen with mail-in ballots.
Did he audition for the role in Bat Man? I noticed the resemblance of the character presented. But I did believe Danny Devito did a better job. He still belongs in lala land Gothem.
Looks like dementia is a Dim disease ... right Joe Biden??
Write this down: Democrats (Socials, Communists, Muslims) all beleive and teach that it is ok to lie to achive their goals!
Why oh why can we not FIRE❗️ this Terrible guy!
Nadler is a lying creep. We can't expect anything better from destructive demoncrats.
Nadler reminds me of the PENGUIN in batman movie. What a disgrace........this putz is head of a committee that stiffles the US from moving forward. He denies the existence of ANTIFA........is this dope for real........PLEASE PEOPLE GET THESE MORONS OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT..........THEY ARE KILLING US.