
President Trump was right when he placed blame Saturday for the riots tearing apart cities around the country on Antifa and other radical left-wing groups. He should now go one step further and declare Antifa a domestic terrorist organization.

The rioting this past week was ostensibly sparked by the death of George Floyd – a 46-year-old black man who was arrested by Minneapolis police Monday for allegedly trying to use a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes. There is no question that Floyd’s death was horrific and should never have happened. But in fact, many of the rioters affiliated with Antifa simply and cynically have used Floyd’s tragic death as an excuse to spread mayhem and destruction.

The officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck – Derek Chauvin – was charged Friday with third-degree murder and manslaughter. Chauvin and any other officers who go on trial for Floyd’s death should be punished to the full extent the law allows if convicted. But Floyd’s killing should not be used as an excuse by anyone to justify rioting and domestic terrorism that in many cases has victimized African-American small-business owners and others in many cities.

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  •  President Trump is only stating the obvious.

    First of all, the police officer with his knee on the neck of a person in custody, in handcuffs, lying prone on the pavement, is not engaged in protecting himself, or the public, from harm. While he may not have intended to cause the death of the suspect he clearly did intend to cause severe pain and trauma which did lead to the death as a direct result.

    However, this action does not of its own accord indicate racial hatred as to what motivated it. Even if it was racism  then rioting in cities across America would be absurd.  Justice is what we must have. The Rule of Law applied.  Not riots and anarchy.

    A rotten apple will ruin the entire basket.  The police forces across the United States has one hell of a lot of rotten apples to deal with. Why is this so? Because our society fails to teach and live the values that produces good, honorable, decent, God Fearing people.  Our police officers, our Ministers, our teachers, our leaders, all come out of the same pool that society produces. And that pool is the swamp. That swamp is what needs draining and the source that feeds it dried up.

    Yes, there are good people. But they need good leadership from good leaders to enable them to come together as a force for good. Leadership. Education. The Truth. Not lies, deceit and fables. The Truth.

    These riots are not protests. They are acts of terrorism, designed to destroy America and a President that poses a threat to that despicable desire.

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