
  • Cheating hell... this is CRIMINAL CONDUCT... ballots being received after the election... multiple ballots to individuals, the entire election is CRAP... there is no way to conduct an election with unsolicited ballots mailed to individuals on voter registration rolls that are so outdated that people who left the country 50yrs ago have ballots mailed to their former addresses.

    The election may need to be postponed... or all mail-in ballots disqualified no matter how or when they are received... using only properly authenticated Absentee Ballots and in-person voting.

  • AG Barr is obstructing Justice... if Pres. Trump loses there will be NO INDICTMENTS... even if he wins there will be no indictments of key players unless the President gets tough an starts firing hundreds of FBI and DOJ operatives.

  • Well, Jim... your right

    However, I don't see any indictments... where are the indictments.  It isn't enough to know that crimes have been committed, they must be charged and tried.  Individuals who commit felonies don't get a pass from the GOP and their operatives in the DOJ and FBI...

    Knowing and doing nothing effective to charge and jail the criminal s makes one an accomplice to the crime... after the fact.  Has the AG and FBI Director, and GOP members of Congress become ACCOMPLICES by their unwillingness to indict and prosecute?

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