Everything about Joe Biden is staged. Listen carefully to this young woman as she addresses Biden and speaks from the heart. “I was told to go off this paper, but I can’t.” Scripted questions? pic.twitter.com/Mv4isP4Ygx
— 🇺🇸🦅M💥A💥G💥A🦅🇺🇲 (@BlessUSA45) September 3, 2020
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Joe Biden is a sick puppy.
those kind of question Joe Biden can not answer because it's his and Obama fault.
This old bastard, sleepy joe, belongs in a rest home!
Why so surprised? Dems are ALWAYS given a handicap. They NEED it, because we all KNOW that Liberals cannot think for themselves. Besides, if Democrats didn't cheat, they would never win a single office ever again.
Where is the Media on Biden handing out questions... they are right there handing him the answers to the questions.
Used to be people were ashamed to cheat and so they did it in secret fearful of getting caught. Not anymore. This is the new world. They cheat in the open. They know they are cheating. They know you know they are cheating. But, guess what? They don't care. They just don't give a rats ass what we the people think. To us they say, shut up and we will do what we want.
Be not deceived Evil comes with the setting of the sun... Evil men shall wax worse, deceiving, and being deceived, as the wicked approach the coming judgment of God... Soon, and sooner than most think, the Lord shall sit upon the Great White Throne... to deliver justice to the wicked, according to their works. Be not afraid, as the darkness approaches, wars, and rumors of war, plagues, and diverse calamities shall engulf the world, and with Great Tribulation, darkness shall cover the Earth. But the end is not yet... as all these things must proceed, that creation may know and comprehend that the wage of sin is death, and that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob... the God of Israel is God.
Behold, the days grow short and night now descends upon the unprepared... Those, whose conscience is seared, who embrace the world and all that lies therein... The voice of the lost shall be muted, and like sheep, they shall go silently before their sheerer. But ye, little flock, are not so... for ye have loved the Lord... and, have seen from afar, the promises of God, Go now, make ready your House and even in the midst of the gathering storm, fear not... For, Christ shall appear, in Clouds of Glory, to catch us all away... For the righteous shall not see the wrath of God... it is reserved for the wicked.
Make straight the way of the Lord... for, God shall work, a work, that when declared the world will not believe... but ye are not of the world...ye are God's chosen and shall not partake of the second death.
How Long Is This "FREAK SHOW" Going To Continue?
I Am "ASHAMMED" To Say That I Was Once A Damn DEMOCRAT!!!
He is nothing more than a senile, crooked pervert who should stay in his basement! I am disgusted at Jill Bidden to allow this to continue, does she want to be first lady this badly?