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  • Anytime I read a story like this, I know that Trump will win in a landslide again. It's obvious that a large majority of Americans are totally behind Trump. How could they not? Look at his accomplishments and how great he is making America. Who would rather live in 2016 than in 2020? No wonder even former demonrat Congressmen like Jeff Van Drew pledge their undying support to Trump. Every American patriot has made that pledge and supports the president no matter what. Take that, losing Biden! 

  • GOD FORBID is all I can say if he wins. Soros will have a field day and the left will  tear down this great nation.   God help us we will probably be at war.  Whomever is left that remembers AMERICA and how great she is must fight and now.  Trump has to win. 

  • 0bama must have given him his notes from Soros.

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