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U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order Thursday that denies state and local governments any authority to reject the drop-off of refugees into their towns and communities.

In essence, former President Donald Trump’s policy (Executive Order 13888 of September 2019) gave state and local governments a say in whether they have the capacity to provide refugees a pathway to become self-sufficient and successfully integrate into American society.

Biden’s new executive order (EO) indicated that the federal government would consult with American communities across the country about refugees’ resettlement.

The president’s “Executive Order on Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs to Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration” noted:

Through the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP), the Federal Government, cooperating with private partners and American citizens in communities across the country, demonstrates the generosity and core values of our Nation, while benefiting from the many contributions that refugees make to our country.

However, with the stroke of a pen Thursday, Biden revoked Trump’s Executive Order 13888 that enhanced state and local involvement in refugees’ resettlement within their jurisdiction.

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  • This EO violates the 10th Amendment... the federal government may not dictate the internal policy of several states.  Each State Legislature must now act to pass Anti-commandeering statutes which inform all State Officials including SCHOOL BOARDS that they are not to assist or help the Illegal Alien or Federal Government to enforce this EO... and any other unconstitutional order directing state officials to comply with unconstitutional rules or law.

    It is becoming evident that the States will need to call an Article V Convention tor the citizens of the United States need to demand the elimination of the State Bureaucracy as an unnecessary impediment to their security and fiscal solvency...  the State is no longer necessary and is nothing but a parasite of a failed Republic. However, it appears that our State's are lead by individuals unwilling to act in defense of their Constitutional rights as a State or to protect their citizen's 9th Amendment rights.  Every illegal alien dropped off needs to be arrested for being an indigent without evidence of citizenship and escorted by the State to the nearest counsel or Embassy of the unlawfully present alien... and dumped on their doorstep... with a note pinned to their chest... return to sender do not forward. 

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