1/2 This @newsbusters video on Joe Biden’s decades of plagiarism, from law school to the presidential campaign trail, is just devastating...”too dumb to be president,” “he’s a flyweight,” “Bye Bye Biden.” pic.twitter.com/TGRROV7oed
— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) July 11, 2020
Huge flip-flop from Biden today on fracking — he made major waves in the primary when he said he would eliminate it.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) July 10, 2020
Now he’s backing off that? Would be good to get more color because he was very definitive before.
Great vid from @FrancisBrennan pic.twitter.com/McsCTOuDGo
Plagiarizer + Pervert + Pedophile + Alcoholic (who did quit because he couldn't control his desires for kids, his words) does not equal anyone fit for POTUS.
Oh, I forgot Burisma. Oh, and Hunter, so add that up. Bribery + Hunter's Bribery, also does not equal anyone fit for POTUS. I hope most Americans can put 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 together.