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President Joe Biden was expected to have given his first State of the Union address by now.

Although the mainstream press is issuing “fact checks” to dispute the claim Biden was supposed to have had one by February 20th, the AP earlier reported that he was supposed to have had one by… *checks calendar*… yesterday.

“US President Joe Biden is expected to deliver the annual State of the Union address on 23 February 2021 (date is still to be confirmed),” the Associated Press reported.

It is indisputable that the president can have the SOTU address whenever he or she wants. Or none at all, like Jimmy Carter chose in 1977. Or even submitted in writing, as the same president did in 1981.

But Biden will soon be running upon the longest period of time in the last three decades for a president to wait to give his first State of the Union Address.

The first State of the Union addresses by presidential term since 1981:

President Ronald Reagan (first term): February 18, 1981 President Ronald Reagan (second term): February 06, 1985 President George H.W. Bush: February 09, 1989 President Bill Clinton (first term): February 17, 1993 President Bill Clinton (second term): February 04, 1997 President George W. Bush (first term): February 27, 2001 President George W. Bush (second term): February 02, 2005 President Barack Obama (first term): February 24, 2009 President Barack Obama (second term): February 12, 2013 President Donald Trump (first term): February 28, 2017 Thus, if Joe Biden doesn’t give his State of the Union before Sunday, he will have eclipsed the modern timeline for presidents to give their first State of the Union Address.

A check of his presidential calendar gives no details on when a State of the Union may be forthcoming. America is in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic, fallout from the Capitol riots, a Texas disaster, and other major emergencies. The Biden administration has issued an unprecedented flurry of executive orders, many of them highly controversial.

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