
  • It's terrible that dementia is lying about his son and injecting himself into the grief of these families but to make it even worse, they weren't in combat, they were in a rear echelon area that should have been safe but were MURDERED by the biden regime essentially because he is financing and covering up the attacks by the enemies he is financing!!!!!!!!!!

    • BOB too bad we don't have the trail of data supporting that .....We'd get some network to TELEVISE that.....

  • NO BOUNDARIES NOSHAME Crowns BIDEN'S "honorary carreer" as a pathological liar

  • A zombie cannot tell what's real or not because it is a zombie. 

  • Biden wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face!!!

  • Does he need to be told who he is before they let him out! 

  •   This is  a LIE he has told many times before and its an insult to those parents and those that  have lost their loved ones and those that have died in combat, While im sorry for his loss he needs to stop telling THIS OUT RIGHT  LIE. ITS astounding how this president ALWAYS BRINGS HIMSELF AND HIS FAMILY INTO THE DISCUSSION WHILE OTHERE ARE MORNING AND HURTING FROM THEIR LOSS. What is even more amazing is that those in the media NEVER CALL HIM OUT WHEN THEY KLNOW HE IS ;LYING.

    • The M.S.M. needs to be "Whipped crimson along with Biden.

  • The horrifying reality is that Joe really might believe he did lose a son due to military service in Iraq.

    The football is at his arthritic fingertips, no?

  • Biden is lying.  His son was a lawyer in the Delaware National Guard.  He was on a six-month rotation to Iraq and was diagnosed with brain cancer.  He was sent home to be with his family and subsequently died of brain cancer.  While the loss of a child is always hard on a family, dying in combat is something altogether different.  Biden's son was home, able to say goodbye and get the love of his family.  Those kids that died in combat died suddenly, without family, not able to say goodbye to anyone.  So for Biden to compare the deaths of those soldiers with that of his son is a travesty. 

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