Former Vice President Joe Biden attempted to take partial credit for the historic peace deal announced Thursday by President Donald Trump between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), saying he laid the groundwork for the agreement.
In a statement, Biden praised the agreement, under which Israel and the UAE will achieve full normalization of relations. He promised that he and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) would build on the deal if they are elected to office in November.
But Biden also tried to claim that he, and former President Barack Obama, deserved some of the credit for the peace deal:
The coming together of Israel and Arab states builds on the efforts of multiple administrations to foster a broader Arab-Israeli opening, including the efforts of the Obama-Biden administration to build on the Arab Peace Initiative. I personally spent time with leaders of both Israel and UAE during our administration building the case for cooperation and broader engagement and the benefits it could deliver to both nations, and I am gratified by today’s announcement.
In fact, the Israel-UAE peace deal was impossible during the Obama-Biden administration, for two reasons. The first was that Obama and Biden insisted on criticizing and condemning Israel, creating “distance” between the U.S. and the Israeli government. Biden himself was the administration’s point man in attacking Israel over its housing policy in Jerusalem.
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The democraps are betting on joe passing away AFTER the elections so they can put harrass in. So joe takes some credit for a peace deal he had nothing to do with. Get out and vote!! We have to make sure Trump makes it. The democraps are hoping the mail in votes will put biden, with harrass running the show, in place, and there goes our Country............VOTE TRUMP!!!
quid pro quo joe obiden further prove how worthless he and the useless anti-America obama were. They had 8 years to do something for the country and for the world. They did everything they could to destroy America.
They destroyed America alright. Thank the Lord for Trump who cleaned up the mess. No more riots, no more chaos, no more fiscal disarray with record budget deficits. Nobody wants to go back to the disastrous obummer years.
obummer is a muslim therefore he despises Israel. Joe been there suckling at the government teet for 48 years. Can you believe this doofus has been put in there by the Delaware doofuses all these years? TRUMP 2020
Once again, Joe Bite Me makes a laughable claim. The Obama Administration, including Biden, wouldn't give Israel the sweat off the back of their hands. Obama openly displayed contempt and disrespect for Israel on a repeated basis. Every time this idiot opens his mouth, he justifies criticism from the right that he hasn't a clue....or is just a dog faced lying pony soldier.
Joe Biden, you are going to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire for lying!!! You absolutely DID NOTHING!!