
  • I can just see the debates wil he need cue cards. It really isn't funny that he has real issues.   He is being used and does not seem to care my lord how do u do that but I guess that is the Dem/Marxist left.

    Biden should be retired to his private island off FL and thats it.  They just could not have Bernie.   Again.

    • " There are three reasons.    Reason one is because, because....well.....cause.... they told me to pic...that is...let me be clear on this...I, uh, had to pick somebody. Period.

      Why is not important at all.  Wow, man!  Do you get permission to pick your nose?  No! I damn sure don't!   Period!    Another reason, second or third doesn't matter....they all get mixed up anyway when you that she asked for it.  Wanted it bad. Period.  And I was glad to give it to , uh, .......him, uh her, camel is kinda smart for a, uh,...uh, black woman.....and the, uh, next one, er, uh, thing, uh last, uh reason is....uh, well, uh, it doesn't matter because she is it. Period!   I'm still the main guy, right?  Damn sure am. Period."

      Thanks, Joe.      ........Period on it too.

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