
  • We are to pray for peace of Jerusalem.  Middle East  has always been a bed of turmoil. In my little mind there will be No Peace until Hamas has a fear of God in their hearts and minds.  So kill them and bury them in pig hides. Send them to where they need to Go.

    • Send them all to where they are most certainly destined to go:  Straight to hell!

    • There will be no peace until islam is gone!

    • Joe the Middle East problem is far greater than Hamas hating Jews.  Read the Koran.  It specifically states that Islam is "required" to rid the earth of all Jews.  This explains why the Muslim States readily sided with Hitler during WW II to kill Jews.  Moreover, the Koran also states that once the Jews are annihilated, it is the obligation of Muslims to either convert or kill the remainder of humanity.  Look at the numerous wars Muslims waged against other Countries throughout history.  If you read the Koran, you'll understand the Jihad movement - its aggression, deception, manipulation, and ultimate goal.  The Palestinians have been offered land and peace by Israel on many occasions.  The Palestinian response is that they are not interested in land.  Instead, they want to kill all Jews.  These Palestinian statements may still be found on the internet.  The current war resulted not because of any rationalizations that they have been oppressed by the Jews; that the Jews stole their land; or that the Jews started the war.  The current conflict started because Israel was too close in establishing peace relations with Saudi Arabia and this was too much of a threat for Iran.  So Iran sponsored Hamas to attack Israel which did successfully end a pending peace relationship with Saudi Arabia.                                                     If there is any hope regarding the Muslim threat to the world, it may be through the Blessed Virgin Mary (the mother of Jesus Christ).  The Koran cites the Blessed Mother Mary many more times than is found in the Catholic Bible.  Muslims revere our Blessed Mother Mary the exact same way as Catholics.  In fact, they consider the Blessed Mother Mary to be the most revered woman in the whole of history - more revered than Mohammed's daughter (Fatima).  Some Catholics have written that if peace is to be found between Islam and Christianity, it probably will be through the Blessed Mother Mary and our common reverence to her Holiness (Archbishop Fulton Sheen).   

    • How will that differ from the anti-Christ, who comes to "unify" the religions? Just asking, of course. That end-times maneuver is said, or prophesied, to come from the Pope, claiming all faiths should join together. So, I am seriously, asking.

    • Muslims will only join together by making every else muslim!

    • Jea9, fortunately, or unfortunately, in my opinion, it doesn't differ!



    • Jea9, a simple answer to your question is that Jesus Christ was "perfectly" good, loving, and humble.  The anti-Christ isn't capable of humility.  That was the reason for his "Fall".  He suffered the sin of Pride.  Neither is he capable of being good and loving.  His actions will always betray him.  See the movie "Nefarious".  You can watch it on Amazon Prime.  It is an excellent, true accounting of Satan's machinations (as reviewed by Exorcists).  So, if you want to determine if a person serves Jesus Christ or Satan, explore if the person is capable of being humble rather than prideful; selflessly caring of the best interest of others or are they self-interested; charitable in their desire to help others rather than looking to hurt others.  Globalists, Marxists/communists, and Islam, are examples of those who tend to live in darkness rather than in the Light of Jesus  Christ.  The Blessed Mother Mary was "Immaculate" - pure of sin.  The mother of Jesus Christ (God) was predestined to be pure.  Both Muslims and Catholics view the Blessed Mother Mary as Immaculate.  She is considered to be the most perfect "human".  So the Blessed Mother Mary could be a bridge to developing peace.  Just as millions of people have turned to Jesus Christ through evangelization and the Grace of God, it is possible that Muslims may turn to Jesus Christ.  (The Blessed Mother Mary appeared in the Muslim sky of Cairo on a weekly basis for 4 years.  Thousands of Muslims converted.  This is well-documented.  Check it out.)

    • Where in the Koran have you seen anything that refers to Mary as they do in the Catholic Church?

      The Muslims under their mustages mumble about Jesus being a sort of profit, but that's all the credit they give him. They had to bring Jesus down several notches to elevate Allah, but Mary is inconsequential to Muslims. Muslims have one god and that is Allah, who in my opinion is Satan himself.
      Remember Mohamed spent time in Jerusalem where he became familiar with Judaism and Christianity, this is 500 years after the crucifixion of Jesus. He used pieces and parts of the Old Testament, and picked up on Christian teachings as well, he wanted to base his lies on some truth to make legitimate, more believable, and he claimed Abraham as the basis of Islam, connecting Islam to basic Jewish beliefs. They built the Dome of the Rock, claiming the site their own where Abraham was to sacrifice his son ( yet another slap in the face of both Jews and Christians) Jew nor Christian can go there!

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