
  • From what has been made apparent, the rabid communist sympathizers in the Democrat party are not in the least concerned about competency of their party candidates.  The ONLY thing they're interested in is pushing their radical deranged agenda.

  • Fetterbrain is a carbon copy of biteman. But that is what the libs want, because they want somebody to agree with them on their agenda.

  • His family should be charged with abuse of the disabled 


    • His Doctor who certified him as being fit should have his license revoked too.

  • Election season rhetoric.  These de"mock"rats really seem to believe that nobody can go back and look at something they said previouisly. 

  • Just another lying demoncrat trying to garner votes at the last minute

  • How convenient a few weeks from election. 
    A guy who has brain damage isn't up for the job. He keeps saying he's getting better, but he needs to do his healing on his own time......not in public office! 

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