Former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said Wednesday on CNN’s “Situation Room” that the Republican Party will die if it continues to be the party of Donald Trump.
While discussing if House Republicans are going to remove Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) from her committee appointments, Kasich said, “I was the chairman of the committee that balanced the federal budget. I was the one that was able to do reform inside the federal government. I did so many things down there that were conservative. And now these guys are off on some — I don’t even know where they are — they’re on some crazy tangent here.”
Panelist Dana Bash said, “That’s the point. They are the Republican party now, governor. The House Republicans are very much representative of a very large chunk of the GOP. Until they, you know, unless they do something to say these views are not okay and, yes, they’re speaking out, but take action about it, then talking about conservative fiscal responsibility and all those things, you know, it gets drowned out. Don’t you think?”
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Marxist see no deficit in spending when... all property ... including cash... belongs to the state, Any perceived deficit is merely local, based on the rearranging... redistribution of wealth and assets that is taking place in a central economy. There is no deficit, as any perceived deficit is nothing but an accounting tool for keeping track of who is producing and who is consuming.
One needs to grasp this fallacy in the Marxist economic theory for what it is ... a massive Ponzi scheme that simply moves wealth (assets and currency) around to those making the loudest noise until they arrive at the lowest economic output possible... and then the entire system collapses under massive shortages... starvation lack of production... no more new Ponzi participants to rob.
There is no deficit where the State (people) own or hold everything in common... Hence, no need for CONSERVATIVES or LIBERALS... no one owns anything so no one is losing anything when it is redistributed based on a government program or the needs of the CENTRAL ECONOMY.
Despite the GOP's internal problems, it remains the party of conservatives... it is leagues ahead of the Marxist Democrat Party and their radical hard left swing... The GOP's position on fiscal policy, albeit not sustainable, is certainly better than the no limits Marxist view of fiscal policy. We can say goodbye to the GOP's view for our domestic and foreign policy that put America first. The Marxist in the Democrat Party will expect its leaders to abide by the fundamental principle of Marx... "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need." Let's just say America's ability is much greater than the third world's and that the sucking sound Ross Perot once warned us about.... as our economy went South ... will now be magnified a hundredfold.
The Marxist Democrats energy policy will drive up energy costs and destroy millions of jobs... while doing very little to curb the real emitters of carbon pollution. The serious problems with carbon emissions are found in China, India, and the emerging third world economy, and they are largely exempt from the Paris Global Warming Accords. China and these third world nations run on early 20th-century carbon fuel technology (dirty, dirtier, and dirtiest air polluters). The GOP's efforts to return manufacturing (heavy and light industry) to America were key elements to keep America's MIDDLE CLASS from disappearing... look for real problems with jobs over energy and taxes. Also, look for physical conflicts to escalate between the third world indigent people e looking for work or a hand out at the taxpayer's and unskilled US Workers' expense. The Stalinist are eating our children's and grandchildren's proverbial lunch.
The Marxist Democrats have totally lost their minds and have taken a STALINISTIC approach to govern, with their radical socialist views on domestic, economic, trade, defense, and the environment, the economy will tank and hyperinflation may well be in our near future. They are taking a STALINISTIC view on our CULTURE, our socio-economic policy, and the use of LAW ENFORCEMENT... TO ENFORCE THEIR POLITICAL AGENDA. Soon look for anyone who speaks out against the government to be PROSECUTED as a COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY... a domestic terrorist. Look for Gulas and Reeducation camps to open up, as detention centers and mental health institutions. Look for a complete makeover on POLICING... with the police being accompanied by a social worker, (party commissar)... rounding up political dissidents.... not the traditional criminal element.
If the truly wealthy think that they will be able to survive the transition to a Communist state and retain their wealth and power... they are OUT OF THEIR MINDS ... all of their wealth is targeted for Marxist REDISTRIBUTION to third world countries, not for use in the USA. We must act now if we are to stop this monumental shift in the world's political, and socio-economic system... America is rapidly losing its leadership status economically and militarily... We will eventually become one more failed state... in a long line of failed socialist states looking for a handout... too, feed our children... only there won't be one... in a socialist world.