John Kasich, the Republican ex-governor of Ohio turned critic of President Donald Trump, is expected to speak at the Democratic National Convention next month in support of Joe Biden, according to the Associated Press.
It’s a move that would be unthinkable just a few years ago, when, as governor, Kasich clashed with Democrats on a range of issues, from abortion to collective bargaining for public employees.
Kasich is one of a number of high-profile Republicans who intend to work against Trump’s re-election in the closing days of the campaign, according to the AP. Kasich’s 2016 campaign manager, John Weaver, co-founded the Lincoln Project, a group that is already airing anti-Trump TV ads. In addition, ex-Ohio GOP Chair Matt Borges, a Kasich ally, has formed
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There was a psychic, his name escapes me now, that predicted that the Legendary President Donald J. Trump would be betrayed by people that were suppose to be on his side. This thing with kasich, esper, pentagram generals is all the proof you need that they have betrayed the President, U.S.A. and sold their souls to chyynna, soros, obama, clinton.
You just have to remember this, Bible, Revelation 12:12. So many Biblical predictions coming together at the same time. Trump could certainly be the last Trump in 1 Corinthians, 15:52. Make ready!
Americans (the "real" conservatives): this "kaysucks" is another demoncrat who has a lot of lipstick on his mirror [just like obummer]. if kaysucks tries to enter a Republican gathering, he MUST be immediately ushered out, not allowed to enter. begone !
What's new? Another rino got caught in the act! These rinos are all untrustworthy traitors of the President, who need to be prosecuted just like an old demonrat should get prosecuted.
Kasich, just like Romney, is suffering from an acute case of TDS
So he turned his back on his friends... now no one will trust him... he is liable to turn again... most likely would...
Untrustworthy.... double crosser... traitor... socialist ....
I figured this out when he ran in 2016 doesn't surprise me none.
Soooo glad he is done in Ohio. Couldn't stand him
Same here. He did a number on education at the college level.
Time to get this Republican rinos out all they did was give in to the Socialists Party. Vote Trump save your Freedom.