Donald J Trump Trump Little Adam Schiff Who Is Desperate to Run for Higher  Office Is One of the Biggest Liars and Leakers in Washington Right Up There  With Comey Warner Brennan

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says he has made multiple “crimes reports” related to leaks of classified information.

Ratcliffe, a former Texas congressman who has overseen the nation’s 17 intelligence agencies since May, also defended his decision to shift election security briefings from in-person to in writing over concerns about leaks and politicization during an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures on Fox News.

“There are investigations” into potentially illegal leaks and that “I know that because I’ve made a number of what are called crimes reports in connection since I’ve been the DNI," Ratcliffe said. "When I become aware of intelligence community information that is disclosed unlawfully, I do what’s called a crimes report — I’ve done that now on a number of occasions, and so those investigations are moving forward.”

The "timing of any prosecutions," he said, "would be something that the FBI would have to address, and I think that they will down the road.”

Ratcliffe made the revelations in the context of defending his decision on how the Office of the Director of National Intelligence will brief members of Congress on the election meddling threats going forward.

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