
Is Roberts Compromised?

With Vice President Mike Pence calling Supreme Court chief justice John Roberts a “disappointment” for conservatives, Roberts faces widespread scrutiny over the possibility that he is compromised. I reported in 2018:

Obama administration intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper must answer to the allegations that they blackmailed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to get his vote for Obamacare in 2012.

Roberts, who reportedly was investigated at one time for illegally adopting his children, betrayed the Republican base when he confirmed the supposed constitutionality of Obamacare during Obama’s re-election campaign.

Tapes released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow — preserved on a Whistleblower Soundcloud page managed by citizen journalist Mary Fanning — show real estate billionaire Timothy Blixseth explaining Brennan and Clapper’s surveillance program to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and detective Mike Zullo. The existence of this surveillance program has been corroborated by Wikileaks’ “Vault 7” release and by the public comments of former CIA and NSA contractor Dennis Montgomery, who says he worked on the program for Brennan and Clapper.

Montgomery has gone public with his claims exposing how the program was used to spy on President Donald Trump when he was a private citizen. Montgomery has gained immunity and desperately wants House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes or other lawmakers to call him to testify about what he knows.


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  • I remember reading about that adoption thing. As I recall the Roberts adopted a boy and girl from Ireland. They did it through channels that weren't solely legal because Ireland doesn't allow out of the country adoptions. Somehow they managed it. I did also hear at that time that they were being threatened with exposure. 

  • By the way, many refer to the SCOTUS as the highest court in the nation, it is not! WE THE PEOPLE are the highest court and we are ready to administer justice to every domestic enemy in the land.

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    • Exactly !!  Out-right proof of treason and sedition yet not a politician one has made a move to actually do something about it.... They should be publically executed to send a message to the next politician to fill that seat.....

    • because the gop establishment is just as crooked as the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!  mcconnell and company sold out a long time ago!!!!!

    • Most politicians are dirty and they don't want to be exposed!

  • I have suspected this for years. Just not what he was being blackmailed for. There was some funny stuff going on when Obama swore him in. Guess a lot will be coming out. Hope Trump gets all of the dirt out. 

  • Roberts is a compromised liar to his core and should be replaced by another justice but how can that all play out?

    • Roberts is a traitor.....Bush appointed him,...and Bush is a traitor too...he voted for BIDEN!!!


  • John Roberts must be removed as Chief Justice.

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