
  • Communist made political prisoners they're still in jail. The government is trying to destroy a MAGA. 


  • Here is what I am afraid of is our gov't will talk this to death.  Then Nothing will ever come of these Crimes. The Bidens will walk away clean as a whistle !!  I'm old school, I keep thinking all we need is a short rope and a tall tree.  Those two items would cure a lot of the problems this government has.

  • The entire government needs to be removed. They stand for nothing, not for America, not for Liberty, not for Justice, not for Freedom, not for culture and not for borders. 

  • Enough, with INVESTIGATIONS...  There exist mountains of evidence proving criminal conduct by the President and members of the cabinet has occurred.  Further investigation is not necessary, the evidence to convict upon an impeachment trial is overwhelming. 

    The President and others in the administration need to be Impeached now, not later...  The Speaker needs to be replaced if he is unable to find probable cause to indict/impeach based on the existing evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. The Speaker must form a coalition large enough to forward dozens of Articles of Impeachment for trial to the US Senate... Mr. Speaker, expose the full extent of the corruption and let the cards fall as they may. 

    If Speaker McCarthy and the GOP are unable to find probable cause to Impeach... they are either blind, dumb, or COMLICIT with the corruption.  Take your pick.



    Iran Close To Starting Nuclear Weapon Testing | The Daily Wire

    Iran Close To Starting Nuclear Weapon Testing
  • Solomon is a thoughtful, careful, reporter who digs deep, has a lot of insight and usually correct!

  • Those Impeachments were another part of the feedback I sent to the Speaker yesterday.

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