
  • Jordan, all talk. Where is the action?

  • Anyone in Congress opening their mouth with the word INVESTIGATION needs to be expelled or resign...   There is sufficient evidence of widespread criminal conduct to send most of DC to prison.  We don't need more proof of criminal conduct or investigations to expose more criminal conduct. The Nation needs prosecutions and it needs them NOW. 

    The only way to restore confidence in Government is to hold our government officers accountable to the law... Until we see LARGE NUMBERS of politicians and  (SES) civil servants in chains the Public's confidence in government. will not be restored.  The professional SES and senior political appointees need to be terminated and their commissions revoked... senior executive leadership, the US Attorneys and their key assistants, and senior administrative management need their appointments terminated AND their LIcenses to practice law revoked. 

    Obstruction of Justice is rampant and pervasive in most government offices today...  criminal cover-up and actions surrounding the politicization of governmetn power for private interests involve every official in the DOJ and FBI...  none of the executives and senior management are without culpable acts of obstruction of justice and unlawful interference with due process and the investigative powers of the rank and file conducting criminal investigations of political figures.  It is illegal to use one's political power to influence investigative outcomes or to cover up criminal conduct.  Ignoring or 'looking the other way' when felony crimes are being perpetrated makes one an accessory to the crime... discovering criminal conduct after the fact and not referring it appropriately to law enforcement is also a crime... accessory after the fact.

    The Question Becomes: Who in DC is not implicated in or guilty of criminal conduct?  The Governmetn is rotten to the core.... criminal conduct is becoming routine conduct in government... More Political CIrcuses and more Kabuki theater are not what America needs and those promising it are not our friends ... America needs accountability ... PROSECUTIONS OF CRIMINAL CONDUCT in high places   Let Congress INDICT By RESOLUTION... if the DOJ won't act on criminal referrals from Congress publish the evidence of the crime, site the law violated and publically post it for all the people to review and act on.  Seequesture the salary and expense accounts of those individuals referred for prosecution that fail to be prosecuted or are improperly prosecuted (thrown cases). Do something more than twiddle your thumbs GOP..  Get serious about using the available law and Constitutional means to hold criminal conduct in government accountable.  Prosecution, expulsion, sequester salaries, defunding entire programs, and agencies... etc.  These are all viable means to hold individuals and political parties responsible for their conduct...

  • Why?  Why investigate we have already identified the problems, and the individuals involved... INVESTIGATE WHAT... MORE CRIMINAL CONDUCT.?  HOW ABOUT IMPEACHING, Or, AT LEAST TRYING TO REMOVE THE OFFENDERS?  wHY NOT SHUT DOWN THE DOJ EXCEPT THE PRISONS AND FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT... STOP FUNDING THE SCUM.  Hold expulsion trials for members of Congress in a public setting as the US Senate is unlikely to hold a single trial for impeachment.  Each House can hold their own expulsion hearings .... where the criminal conduct of the worst can be clearly exposed... Control the narrative... to do that one must first have a plan on how to command the MSM's attention.  What better way the Expulsion trials for corrupt members of the House?

  • I agree with Dee... Enough of the investigations it's hi time to start prosecuting! 

  • Go Jordan

    • Yeah, Jordan... GO... GO HOME if all you can do is point out criminal conduct ... America wants and needs prosecutions for senior members of government who have violated the law... 

      How many investigations, that go nowhere does it take before the Public sees them for what they are:  POOR EXCUSES for effective prosecutions and the defunding of criminal agencies... the 'sequester' of salaries for offenders by referendum...  at least stop paying the criminals abusing their offices. 

      Your rhetoric carries the empty ring of the consummate politician... the hollow echo of politics as usual is PATHETIC>... PA... THETIC... In a private company, such a performance would result in termination, not applause.  

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