
  • What a dummy this lady so shocking. God made the female woman to carry another soul another heart. No man has a uterus. Nuts are everywhere. Your born a boy or girl. These nut don't know anything and this is what government is paying to teach our children no wonder children are confused. 

  • You can't fix stupid

  • What a waste of humanity

  • This just gets worse by the day. How do such stupid people exist from day to day? The only thing I can come up with is that they probably survive on the coat tails of the intelligent people that they are trying to destroy. And are too stupid to realize if that happens they won't be able to take care of themselves.

  • She is a prime example of the ill guided education system in the United States, who needs to get re-educated.

  • GOD help us!!! 

  • Can you believe!

    Hawley relentlessly pressed to expose the WOKE insanity, true.

    But otherwise he seemed reasonably restrained, given her level of arrogant idiosy on display.

    I would have mopped the floor with her, the best use for such a "fine sensitive mind". IMHO.

  • What a waste of intellect and good air SHE is.

  • Debating with those who are incapable of determining one's biological sex is ludicrous...

    The degenerate liberal sexual paradigm and premise for assigning sexual identification, the capacity to become pregnant, or to undergo an abortion are based on pseudo-science and the morally reprehensible cultural definitions used in the debate over women's rights... Terms defining who can become pregnant and by sexual preference are entitled to claim protected rights, based on sexual identity are obscured by false and culturally skewed points of view. 

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