Joy Reid Hits the Blunder Trifecta

joy reid Memes & GIFs - ImgflipGot those quarantine blues? Here's something to brighten your day!

Joy Reid treated us to a trifecta of goofs and questionable calls on her MSNBC show this morning.

  1. Reid began her cavalcade of blunders by wishing "Happy Easter" to the prominently-Jewish Adam Schiff. As I tweeted: "I'm pleased to be wished Merry Christmas/Happy Easter by gentiles unaware that I'm Jewish. But how could Reid possibly not have known this about Schiff?"  Bizarrely, Reid later also wished "Happy Easter" to Ilhan Omar, perhaps the most recognizable Muslim in America!
  2. Reid claimed that "hundreds" of mail carriers have died of COVID-19. Every death is a tragedy, but facts matter: as per this Washington Post article of yesterday, 19 mail carriers have died. 

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