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  • Facts submitted into evidence must meet the court's approval... Denying a subpoena to compel the collection of specific materials as evidence suggests the Court would not permit any evidence sought by the subpeana to be used n the trial.

    Public disclosure of evidence doesn't mean it is admissible in court...  Our legal system is broken.. judges are permitted to deny defendants the right to collect and present all evidence that is remotely MATERIAL to the case before th court.  

    The use of judicial prerogatives to shape the body of evidence submitted to a jury smacks of a Kangaroo Court and we have many of those today.  Congress needs to pass legislation restricting such abusive power...let the jury decide what evidence is material to the case..  That is the essence of a trial by jury.

  • Give it time and stuff will come out.....too bad the judge is political not constitutional!

  • Just another activist judge that belongs in the movie "Idiocracy".

  • The GOP house should take a direct interest in the trials of President Trump as oversight of the Judiciary... They should IMPEACH any Federal Judge who demonstrates open bias and bad conduct in the trial...

    State Judiciary showing bias and bad conduct should be barred/sanctioned by Congress from having their findings enforced by Federal agency... or standing in any federal court.

    It is time to set the Judiciary down ... to discuss their  LIMITED power to affect the legislative intent of Congress, through the administration of the law... through the misapplied doctrine of Stare Decisis, as a means to MAKE LAW... We must end fiat law... There can be only one law and it is not the fiat Law of the Court.

    No more Stare Decisis as settled law... the court's findings must be limited to the case before the court AND NO OTHERS... by precedent, orders, or findings.  The Congress must be the only Branch of Government to make law... any interpretation contrary to the general consent to the reading of the law must be denied standing in any other court ... until it can be dealt with directly by an act of Congress or Congress's lack of action ... signaling the courts' error.

    • I agree with you. The House needs to impeach any federal judge who is going against President Trump. (It looks like all judges of all his trials are against Trump as they were against any one of his associates, J6 patriots, etc who were already convicted.) Once Trump is back in the White House, he needs to step in and assume total authority over the judiciary to clean up the mess.

  • To be expected . The one thing that stands out about Trumps efforts to get a fair and honest day in court is Anything and Everything associated with todays Dem Party is unfair and dishonest .

    • Make no mistake the GOP is not an innocent party in what is happening.. they have ignored a growing despotism in the Courts for decades and did nothing to reign in such judicial fiat and corruption of the bench.

    • Right on, Theodore. We need to question the entire system and our institutions if they go against President Trump, who is the only measure of honesty, legality, decency and patriotism.

    • We don't have a ligitimate... lawful government.   Fraud and deceit are the underpinnings of the current government... which disqualifies it as a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

    • All well said here Colonel.

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