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  • Jack Smith is a turd straight out of the DNC. He needs at the Very Least loose his law license.  

    • AND charged with treason.

    • Agreed

  • One small step in the right direction.......what is he afraid of?

  • All of these crooked lawyers need to be in jail.

    • Any lawyer who goes after President Trump or an ally of Trump is crooked by definition. Good thing the justice system wasn't biased against President Trump for a change. We the people really need to rally behind President Trump to keep him away from the courts, and probably out of jail. Once he is back in the White House,he'll shut down any witch hunt instigated by the DOJ and over time he'll also control the judiciary. Then and only then will we the people be free from lawsuits that target patriots. 

    • I hope and pray you are correct Paul.

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