U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan appears to have given outside groups permission to file legal briefs again in the case involving Michael Flynn – despite President Donald Trump granting the former national security adviser a pardon.
The Justice Department has requested the case be "immediately dismissed." But, according to the Washington Examiner, the judge's latest action indicates he may stall on dismissing it.
The judge's docket showed more than a dozen groups, who had previously filed friend-of-the court papers, submitting briefs in the wake of the pardon Monday.
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This Judge needs to be arrested as a Domestic Terrorist for using his office unlawfully to coerce and terrorize General Flynn and his family... invoke the Patriot Act and pick him up and hold him until he can be tried and disbarred for his BAD CONDUCT per the US Constitution... Bad Conduct is whatever Congress defines it as... In any event, the DOJ and President need to issue arrest warrants and notify all federal US Marshalls and LEO that this judge's orders are not to be obeyed.... and anyone doing so will be summarily fired.