
An Oklahoma judge on Tuesday declined to issue a court order to stop a rally for President Donald Trump in Tulsa until the rally's organizers imposed social-distancing guidelines to combat the spread of coronavirus.

Earlier in the day, two Tulsa organizations — The Greenwood Cultural Centre and the John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation — along with two immunocompromised residents of the city, had sued the operators of the BOK Center, where the rally is scheduled to take place. The plaintiffs argued that the boisterous rally, with crowds of people yelling in close proximity, would be an incubator for another coronavirus outbreak.

“If ASM Global moves forward with the event without adequate review, planning, training, protective equipment, and safeguards, cases of COVID-19 — and the unavoidable attendant deaths — will rise,” the complaint said, referring to the venue management company.

The plaintiffs asked an Oklahoma court to impose social-distancing requirements for the rally, including the mandatory use of face masks, or else bar the rally until organizers agreed to implement them. But the plaintiffs were notified by phone later in the day that the judge denied their request for an injunction, according to court records.

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Lining Up already!!! Trump 2020!!!


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  • These demonstrators/rioters (they are very much the same people) are a very small percentage of the total population and yet many organizations, mostly large corporations are beginning to cater to them perhaps not realizing just what they are. Anyone naively thinking the demonstrators went home when the rioters showed up is sadly mistaken. Oh, there may have been extra people join the group as instigators but make no mistake the demonstrators did not just leave when they came.

    Barack Obama promised a fundamental transformation, just prior to taking office, everyone within earshot of his promise that supported him cheered wildly. No one asked into what! In his next breath he than promised a federal police force just as well funded, trained and equipped as the US Military. Once again everyone cheered wildly but no one bothered to ask why was such a police force going to be needed here in the United States of America. It had not been needed for over 230 years. However, in those two statements Obama described his goal as president. Who noticed? His goal was a transformation into a socialist government of one kind or another either communist, marxist or fascist. All begin with socialism and an iron fisted dictator. However he knew such a transformation would take force so a federal police force would be needed. The federal police force was going to be created to solidify his power much like the Brown Shirts in 1930's Germany did. His power was going to be total and complete or so he thought. However, thankfully he failed because of one thing our founders put in our bill of rights which he, Obama, could not do away with. The second amendment. Our guns, he could not get our guns and because of that he knew his goal likely could not be reached. A try with the guns still in civilian hands would cause a destructive war with the outcome totally up for grabs. It was thought however, Hillary would be able to get them. But she had to get elected president first. But of course that was no problem Obama had already usurped enough power to the presidency that Hillary would no doubt get the transformation completed once the guns were gone. She had a plan. Like Woodrow Wilson and FDR before her she would just stack the supreme court with like thinking communists justices and reinterpret that pesky second amendment word militia to mean a government agency like the National Guard and bingo every gun in the US would be subject to confiscation. Why should anyone worry about rescinding that second amendment? So all she would have to do is collect them. Problem was she failed to get elected. Millions of American voters saw right through that charade and voted for Trump. Just as they will again next November.

    Now those so called democrats (who are really communist) are trying destroy tactics on President Trump again. Even though they did not work the first time. The attack(s) has been non-stop ever since the day he announced he would run for president! One charge after another all false. So far he has defeated them at every turn. It does appear that trend will continue through November 2020.

    The communist democrats were astonished when Hillary lost the election, they actually have not gotten over it to this day, after all they had infiltrated the main stream media and controlled the majority of the news outlets as well as the public schools, for decades, and a good many members of the legislative branch of government. Furthermore, they were making inroads into the judicial branch as well as quickly as Barack Obama could appoint judges and with Hillary as president they would no doubt lock that up as well. They were so close to completing Obama’s fundamental transformation they could taste it. However, Trump came along and spoiled their plans completely. However, President Trump did not create the democrats hatred for conservatives he just exposed it for what it really is. Communism!

    VOTE TRUMP next November!

    • I will defenitely vote for Trump this November


    • barry has his police force, antifa, blm, muslim brothe rhood.

    • You, I suspect, may be absolutley right!

    • exactly right Don, we'll vote for Trump!

    • Thank you.  

  • Where was this judge when people were gathering to defund the police? So, protesters destroying businesses can gather together no problem, but the people willing to meet Trump can't do it? 

  • this is all just a gigantic hoax to drive out Trump. But guess what IT AIN'T GONNA WORK

  • If you have a good immune system don't worry about getting the Coronavirus GOD'S CREATION OF THE HUMAN BODY IS THE GREATEST. Our President was misled by 2 scientist tied to the WHO which was giving instructions on what to do & not do. #CoronavirusHoax

    • Hey! Helen, I wish the Church has the same attitude you have for the Trump rally.

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