John Paul Doerr III, 34, pleaded guilty to exploiting children through possessing and distributing a huge amount of sickening child pornography — some of which involved infants.

John Paul Doerr III, 34, pleaded guilty to exploiting children through possessing and distributing a huge amount of sickening child pornography — some of which involved infants.

Considering the seriousness of the charges, Doerr was facing upwards of 250 years in a cage for the 45 felony counts against him.

However, Doerr happens to be the son of Butler County’s top judge, Thomas Doerr. Instead of going to jail for the rest of his life, as he should have, the judge’s son will not spend a single night behind bars.

Instead, this child predator was sentenced to five years probation, six months house arrest and 15 years on the Megan’s Law registry. According to the sentencing judge, Timothy Creany, the house arrest will be lifted if Doerr gets a job.

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