Alito order: "... neither the applicant (PA GOP) nor the Secretary has been able to verify that all boards are complying with the Secretary's guidance, which, it is alleged, is not legally binding on them."
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) November 7, 2020
How about threatening them with JAIL time for interferring with an election
Way to late... the ballots have been mixed and are not likely to be segregated... any order to cease will be ignored.
Alito is a realle great Supreme Court Judge. I wish the other eight were like him.
Great news. I posted something very similar to TPO about 15 minutes ago!! Back in NYC at baseball games we used to say that the game ain't over until the fat lady sings!
Do you actually think the order will be followed... don't delude yourself, these are criminals openly subverting an election... Do you think they give a hoot what Alito says?
First of all the order won't reach the election workers until tomorrow... as the Election Staff drag their feet claiming they needed to interpret and post the order in a way the local Election officials could understand and comply... or some other excuse... like a broken water main kept the currier from delivering the order. In any case they will deliberately mix the ballots and insist they didn't hear of the order or were confused on which ballots came in first from those that were to be sequestered.... any failure to comply would be the result of ballot confusion. Yeah!
this is wild.