
Vice President Kamala Harris has begun to take calls on behalf of President Joe Biden, raising questions about his ability to do the job of President. 

The White House published a readout yesterday entitled “Readout of Vice President Kamala Harris Call with President Emmanuel Macron of France.”

It states:

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke today with President Emmanuel Macron of France, and expressed her commitment to strengthening bilateral ties between the United States and France and to revitalizing the transatlantic alliance. Vice President Harris and President Macron agreed on the need for close bilateral and multilateral cooperation to address COVID-19, climate change, and support democracy at home and around the world. They also discussed numerous regional challenges, including those in the Middle East and Africa, and the need to confront them together. The Vice President thanked President Macron for his leadership on the issue of gender equality and for France’s contribution to NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover.

It is bizarre for a Vice President to be making contact with key world leaders just weeks into a new administration.

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  • I fault Jill Biden for this.  As his wife, she knew his condition and yet continued before the election to shield him.  Was winning the presidencency so important to her that she would do anything to get him there?  Did she not know she is complicit in the greatest fraud in an election in our nation's historry?  My husband died a year and a half ago and I would have done anything I could have done to save him--but it was not meant to be.  Is this why she did it--because that is something he always wanted--to be president and that was the only way she could get it for him?  I don't know the answers to these questions--but Jill Biden knows.  But sadly it is going to come to an end because he is mentally failing which all can see.  And if Joe Biden leaves, our country will be left with Kamala Harris.  That will be a disaster for our country as its been for the few weeks with Joe Biden.  Both are incompetent and this is putting our country in grave danger.  God is in control and he will provide the answers to all of this.  And then we will have all our questions answered.

  • This whole administration is Bizarre.  We knew Joe is just a pawn in Obama/Pelosi/Schumer/Big Tech and Wall Streeet's plan to manipulate the WH and the American people.  Anyone and everyone that is suffering black outs and water shortages that goes on to vote for anyone with a "D" after their name is irredemably stupid.  These Dems don't care about We The People. they are spendthrifts, ruining our economy because it was made nearly well again by Trump.  World leaders had huge respect for Trump - Not so Biden and they hated Obama who brought Billions to Iran for terror and look at the result-the largest exodus of people from N. Africa in the history of the world.  Trump brough Peace Agreements in the Middle East - Dems have no clue how to do that.  Biden the puppet is allowing diseased illegals to once again ruind our cities with the kind of desecration we saw under Obama and now under Blue State Governors and Mayors.  Media coverage of all is missing.  Did you all know that Pelosi has already put billions aside for Iran--does anyone know if it's been delivered?

  • That's because Kamala can use an earwig or read a telepromter or tablet better than old Joe, so she won't screw up what she's told to say.


  • God has giving Biden a heretic over to a reprobate mind. He is following an evil agenda which is controlled by Kamala and the socialist anti American democratic left. They want to institute a form of government where their socialist system controls everything. Once they take over health care, energy (with this global warming scam) and remove the guns from legal owners, then they hope to control us all.  They stole, cheated and lied their way into the Whitehouse with the help of the media and the High Tech giants but they forget that God is in control. Jesus is on the throne. Amen

  • That why that less than human cold hearted sleezeball classless Pelosi was setting it all up months ago, 25th Amendment.  This is the B (Kamala) who couldn't even make it through the primary, PEOPLE COULDN'T STAND HER!!!!!  Her arrogance!!!!

  • Yep, 25th Amendment here we come; and welcome President Harris who couldn't get 5% in the Democrat primary. But that was the plan all along by the Obama-Clinton political cabal.

    • And she's not even eligible - like soetoro - oops! I mean obozo.


    • All too true. 


  • Sh is making her move a little sooner than I expected

  • That is because Biden doesn't remember enough of the intriquit details of the GAME they played before Trump ended it. Biden is usually lead around a lot by his wife so he dosen't stumle or wonder off in the wrong directions..!  Biden DID NOT Win this election legally nor if he would have - he Would Not, Could Not and Cannot Perform as a president..! Kamala Harry Ass is acting president untill she is Impeached within the year..!

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