
Democrats are incredibly against accepting dirt on American politicians from foreign sources. CNN tells you that about Democrats as often as they can work it in, which is a lot. “Good morning, it’s the Fourth of July and remember, Democrats shun foreign obtained dirt on opponents.”

But do they though? Not if they’re Kamala Harris. Harris fell for a fake phone call from “Greta Thunberg” that was actually Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus, the Sun reported exclusively on Saturday.

You’ve gotta go to the Sun’s website to hear the whole amazing prank call, which took place during the primary but has just been released according to the Sun. But here’s the part where Kamala agrees to accept dirt from a foreigner. And not just gossip, but a surreptitiously and illegally obtained RECORDING of Trump.

Here’s the relevant portion of the transcript from The Sun’s article, with emphasis added.

“GRETA”: I am so terrified of what Trump is doing, I even cannot eat or sleep when I see him on TV. That terrible meeting in the UN building in September, I have nightmares. I saw him in the corridor and shouted to him to sign the Paris climate agreement. He came over and he said softly to me ‘you will never achieve the goal’.K

AMALA: No, but Greta…

“GRETA”: …and he continued, he continued, he continued…

KAMALA: …do not be discouraged, you have the ability to see what is possible in a way that many do not and there will be people who are going to work against progress. That is always the case, always in history there have been people who work against progress. Listen, nothing that has been achieved in this world that has been about progress came without a fight. This is the nature of it.”

GRETA”: But it is very sick to behave like that – I mean President Trump

KAMALA: Yes, it is similar to previous times in history when some people could not imagine how things can be different and then leaders did imagine and could see and lead. You have been a great leader, do not be deterred.

“SVANTE”: Greta has a recorder always with her, and when it happened…

GRETA: In my pocket, yes.

“SVANTE”: ….it was on Greta’s recorder. If you would like to get it, we can provide it.

“GRETA”: Maybe this recording can help you.

KAMALA: Thank you, that would be wonderful.

“GRETA”: In my side, I can testify against this terrible man.

KAMALA: Yes definitely, thank you so much.

“SVANTE”: Thank you so much.



GO HERE: to hear recording!!




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  • This choice for VP was the absolute worst choice the dumbs could have made. If you sucked willie's winky you obviously don't have any class. I'm not sure, to this day, why they would pick this beast for the ticket. 

  • Why isn't counter-intelligence going after Harris?

  • By the way, the harris camel is NOT eligible to be VP, or anything else; her parents were immigrants and were NOT naturalized at the time of her birth!

  • Maybe Forbiden and Harris are a matched pair after all.

  • So then,she's too gullable/stupid to be vice president!

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