politics kamala harris attacks joe biden Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

Pointing to Arizona's high coronavirus losses, Kamala Harris urged the state's residents to register and vote for an administration committed to its health and business needs.

In a five-minute virtual speech Saturday cast as a conversation with Latina small business owners, the senator from California said she and her running mate, Joe Biden, will create manufacturing incentives, roll back tax cuts that went to the wealthy and preserve health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

"For everyone on this call, Joe and I understand that your business is the heartbeat of your community," Harris said. 

"As part of our Build Back Better agenda, we will need to make sure you have a president in the White House who actually sees you, who understands your needs, who understands the dignity of your work and who has your back."

Harris' speech is a reminder of the key role Hispanic voters are expected to play in helping win Arizona, a battleground for the White House.

The Biden-Harris ticket is expected to win most Hispanic votes, but polling suggests they are doing so in numbers smaller than Democrat Hillary Clinton did in her losing 2016 campaign.

Harris said a Democratic administration, which she called "a Harris administration together with Joe Biden," would provide $100 billion in low-interest loans and investments for minority-owned businesses, a $15,000 tax credit for first-time home-buyers and allow government-run health insurance to compete with private insurers.

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