
    • Who do they have in mind? - That kind of "predicament" is exactly how we ended up with McConnell in the Senate again. The GOP leadership wants us to think there are no other options besides McConnell and McCarthy. There are plenty of good senators but somehow McConnell remains in the GOP leadership. What do we do? Nothing. We accept it because......WHY? Are we really this weak? Why do we resort to airing our grievances on this site and then support the GOP leadership anyway? What makes us think they will change their ways if we always follow what they present to us? What's with Sen. Hawley, Sen. Ernst, Sen. Cotton,.....? There are plenty of senators who should be considered, but no, we end up with McConnell again. When will the GOP listen to we the people? I tell you when. When we will let them hear us and not always bow down to them and accept what they are presenting us. That's when they will listen.

  • The GOP leadership has been compromised for a long time. They are in bed with demonrats and they are betting on us supporting them no matter what because we are forced to choose the "lesser of two evils". I am sick of the "lesser of two evils". We the people demand real representation. The time for this is NOW!

  • These are courageous people that wants the best for our country versus the rest of the RINOS  that want what's best for the party. 

    • Right you are Cameron!


  • Not only should the GOP/RNC be sunk... its leadership and senior members need to join the Democrat Party for a farewell party in GTIMO. 

    Newt... Globalism is not a Conservative goal... Constant Betrayal of the GOP Party Base is not the measure of sound leadership, nor is it Conservative or Patriotic.  Allowing Sen. McConnell, Romney, and their ilk any seat, ANYWHERE, in the GOP o RNC is a serious problem. The true conservatives and patriots (nationalists) are fed up with their ilk.  Rep. McCarthy is just one of many counterfeit conservatives...

    Newt, If capitulation to that sort of leadership is how you define victory... you had better think again.  Caving to the New World Order and the autocratic leadership of a Plutocracy is not what the GOP Party base will support.  The fact that only 5 members of the Republican House are willing to hold out for real conservative leadership says it all. The GOP Base is tired.... no they are FINISHED, with compromising their future and that of our Constitutional Republic... to support phony conservatives.

    Newt in case you haven't noticed our Party and the Nation are sinking fast and it is because of men like McCarthy and McConnell... and now YOU are unwilling to inform the POWERS that be, that they may fool some of the people all of the time ... but not all of the people, all of the time. Let them move across the aisle and join the Democrat Party, at least we will know how many real conservatives are in the GOP.  It is time to dump the pragmatics and progressives in the GOP... a Pragmatic has no MORAL ABSOLUTES and a progressive is neither conservative nor Godly.

    The problems in the GOP do not emanate from its Base… betrayal by its leadership and their lack of commitment to our founding father’s conservative values for government... the values and precepts that built our nation.. are the problem  Our Constitution and its fundamentals for governing are only suitable to govern a moral and religious people... McCarthy, McConnell, Romney, et al… fall well short of exercising the moral and Christian values required to sustain our national heritage, as a  Judeo/Christian culture... whose government is anchored in the Judeo Christian ethic, and God’s Natural law...  End the farce and throw out the counterfeit conservatives.

    • Col. you always bring light to most subjects. Thanl You.

  • As they should hold out...mccarthy is NO different than paul ryan and boehner.I do not agree that we have to go along to get along. Thats how we got in this mess in the first place.

  • They should all be recalled by their constituents

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